Angus F. Macgillivray Art Bursary

The Art Department at StFX distributes bursaries each year in honour of the late Angus F. Macgillivray, a former member of the department.
Angus F. Macgillivray was a sculptor in the medium of wood. Many of his artworks were designed for the StFX community. He is most well-known for his “Stations of The Cross” which hang in the university chapel: a metaphorical interpretation of the Passion of Christ.
The Angus F. Macgillivray Bursary allows for several monetary awards to be presented to Art Studio and Art History students. A three-member jury determines the Art Studio bursaries after reviewing student portfolios that are submitted in the Winter semester. The Art History Award is awarded at Convocation to a student studying toward a Minor or Subsidiary in Art History.
Previous recipients of a bursary may not apply again.
Recent winners of the Angus F. Macgillivray Art Studio Bursaries and Art History Prize are:
2024 Studio Art: Brookelyn Crowe, Noah D'Entremont, Rylee Vincent
2024 Art History Prize: Clarissa Pasion
2023 Studio Art: Danielle Gagne, Ashanti Marshall, and Violet Silva
2023 Art History Prize: Ken Matheson
2022 Studio Art: Tanner Messenger, Meredith Stewart, and Jemma Whalen
2022 Art History Prize: Emily Henry
2021 Studio Art: Sydney Haws, Britt Pigat, Mila Walst
2021 Art History Prize: Catharine Armstrong
2020 Studio Art: Jordyn Conn, Wankunda Chola Bwalya, and Ken Matheson
2020 Art History Prize: Theresa Olson
2nd Floor Immaculata Hall
2360 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5