Development Studies Degree Requirements

The following program options are available:

  • BA with Honours in Development Studies with a Subsidiary subject.
  • BA with Joint Advanced Major in Development Studies and another subject.
  • BA with Joint Major in Development Studies and another subject.
  • A minor or subsidiary in Development Studies.

Other options include:

  • Pair 101 and at least one of DEVS 201/202 with another three (3) or six (6) credits of Development Studies.
  • Take Introduction to International Development (Devs 101 and 201/202) as electives.

The StFX Development Studies Program gives students hands-on experience in community-based development. After completing courses that lay a theoretical foundation for understanding community-based development, students can opt for an internship during which they work on a community-based development project in Canada or abroad. Some students will use this experience as the basis for an honours thesis.

For more information, please refer to the StFX academic calendar.


Development Studies

2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5