Honours Theses - Titles
Emily Hubbard: 'In the Court of Public Opinion: the Boulton and Park Trial in the Nineteenth Century British Periodical Press' (Drs. R. Semple and S. Pigeon, supervisors)
Clara O’Callaghan: A Latin Medical Compendium from Late Medieval England: Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson C. 817 (Dr. D. Trembinski, supervisor)
Heidi McIntyre "Setting the Stage: How the Popol Vuh Shaped Mayan Resistance to the Spanish" (Dr. C. Frazer, Supervisor)
Matthew Rankin “If Far Enough I Go" - A Reflection on Cape Breton Outmigration in the 20th Century” (Dr. A. Lajeunesse, Supervisor)
Claire Schofer “History, Heritage, and Memorialization: The Halifax Citadel, 1956-2022” (Drs. P. Mcinnis and B. MacKenzie, Supervisors)
Benjamin, Abbie "Exports and Trade: Answers to the Greenland Mystery" (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
Wong, Shannon “Constructing Ein Volk, Ein Reich Ein Führer: Nazi Propaganda and Language, 1920-1945." (Dr. S. Kalman, Supervisor)
McBeath, Marin “ ‘A Gift and a Sacred Trust’: Cultural Continuity and Change in the Antigonish Highland Games. 1957-1967.” (Drs. N. Forestell and B. Mackenzie, Supervisors)
Lumsden, Peter "The End of the Road: An Oral History of Cooperation in Canso, NS, 1960s-2000s." (Drs. P. McInnis and B. MacKenzie, Supervisors)
Melanson, Dana "Donatists and Circumcellions: Is There a Connection?" (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
Wolfe, Riley “Sor Juana’s Erotic Imagination: Thinking about Same-gender Desire in Colonial New Spain.” (Dr. C. Frazer, Supervisor)
Amodeo, Allyson "The Subaltern Speak: British Missionary Leper Hospitals in Nineteenth-Century Colonial India" (Dr. R. Semple, Supervisor)
Rayner, Alanna "Fragmentology at Sr. Francis Xavier University: An Exploration of the Bloomfield Rare Books Room Collection, Angus L. MacDonald Library" (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
VanBuskirk, Kayla "The Black Refugees of Nova Scotia: Adjustment, Adaptation, and Agency" (Drs. L. Stanley-Blackwell and B. MacKenzie, Supervisors)
Burton, Connor "The Rise and Fall of Cross-Taking: The Formalization of Crusade Liturgy and its Role in the Decline of the Crusading Movement, 1096-1396." (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
Morin, Adam "Matthew Paris and the Oregon Trail: Re-created Historical Journeys through Time and Space." (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
Celli, Kristina "The Sixties Scoop: An Analytical Look at Indigenous Child Welfare 1950-1985"
Semple, Rebecca "Picturing Poverty: Reform of Poor Relief as Reflected in Sixteenth Century Venetian Painting"
Caldwell, Heather-Ann “Is no voice sufficient?: The Female Student Experience at St. Francis Xavier University in the 1940’s”.
Gilen, Nicholas “Militarism, Masculinity, and Memorialization: Trench Culture in Great Britain and Germany”
Greencorn, Christopher “Stan Rogers’ Fogarty’s Cove and the Folk Song in Nova Scotia”.
Watson, Fiona “Blended Identities in Wales of the Long Twelfth Century”
Blair, Justin "The Economics of French Imperialism: Algeria, Indochina, and West Africa"
MacLeod, Rory "Selling conflict: Propaganda and the Spanish Civil War"
Riseborough, Mark "Canada's Cold Wars: 'The National Security' Complex and the Creation of Enemies"
Thomas, Amanda "Hagiography and Holiness: An Analysis of Gender and Authority in the Lives of Two 13th Century Female Saints"
_Arac, Katelyn "War Criminals in Our Midst: The Canadian Government's Response to Nazi War Criminals in Canada, 1945-1985" (Dr. J. Cameron, Supervisor)
Dwyer, Lily "Historical Jane Austen: Class Mentalities, Silences, and British Nostalgia"
_Harens, Christine "Black Loyalists & Black Refugees: Settler Societies that Altered Nova Scotia" (Dr. B. Zecker, Supervisor)
_Fleetham, Mariah "Female Crossdressing in the Literature, History, and Rumours of Late Medieval Northern France" (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
MacLellan, Chris "Historical Arguments in the Defense of Slavery in the British Empire" (Dr. R. Semple, Supervisor)
McGrath, Joshua "The Cristero Rebellion of 1926-1929" (Dr. C. Frazer, Supervisor)
Cullen, Matt "A Collaborationist Regime: The Role of Vichy France in the Persecution of French Jewry"
Ewing, Annie Ewing "Be realistic, demand the impossible': France's Non-Revolution of May and June 1968"
Krause, Christine "In the National Interest? The Transformation of the War Against Communism into the Canadian War on Terror"
_MacLeod, Breanna "Politics and Vitrue: The influence of 12th century Scotland on the Vita Sancti Miniani"
Martin, Stefan "Carthago Delenda Est: Roman Imperialism and the Punic Wars"
O'Brien, Elizabeth "Fatness, Femininity, and the Female Teenage Body, 1950-1970"
_Richards, Tom "Maintaining A British Soul? Challenges to, and Transformations in, International British Identity" (Dr. R. Semple, Supervisor)
Adams, Kathleen "Albrecht Durer, Pictor: The Renaissance Artist as Possessive Author" (Drs. D. Trembinski and S. Gregory, Supervisors)
_Chase, Ceilidh "Where In Fact It Does Exist": Racism, Community Organization and the Student Left" (Dr. R. Zecker, Supervisor)
_Cote, Sophia "The Eagle Escapes Unscathed: An in-depth Analysis of America's Forgotten Role in the "British" Suez Crisis" (Dr. R. Semple, Supervisor)
_Craig, Mathieu "Resisting Interpretations: Reading Resistance in Mi'kmaw crafts, 1812-1916" (Dr. M. Walls, Supervisor)
McOstrich, Trevor "Reason Over Passion" Trudeau and the Re-examination of Canadian Foreign Policy, 1968-1984" (Dr. P. McInnis, Supervisor)
_Chen, Jason "Take Everything From the Germans, Leave Them Only a Handkerchief to Weep Into!": Czechoslovakia and the Post-War Expulsion of Ethnic Germans, 1945-48" (Dr. R. Zecker, Supervisor)
_Chu, Leslie "Rebels" with a Cause: The Red and White Striped Wilderness of the Group of Seven" (Drs. M. Wall and S. Gregory, Supervisors)
_Cybulski, Frank "Ultima ratio regum": Artillery and the Centralization of Royal Authority 1420-1520" (Dr. D. Trembinski, Supervisor)
_Greguol, Mike "Without the Cost of War": The Fenian Raids and Confederation in Canada (Dr. J. Cameron, Supervisor)
_Hefler, Matt "Rhetoric and Reality: Re-examining the Anglo-American Special Relationship in World War II and the Cold War" (Dr. R. Semple, Supervisor)
McGregor, Hannah "A Hard Nut to Crack: The Battle for Monte Cassino" (Dr. G. Lalande, Supervisor)
Myers, Nathan "City Council and the Firemen: The Professionalization of the Halifax Fire Establishment, 1859-1897"
Spencer, Michelle "Part of the Woodwork": American Refugees and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism (Dr. P. McInnis, Supervisor)
_ten Brinke, Sarah "Invisible Immigrants": Post-World War II Dutch Immigration to Eastern Nova Scotia (Dr. J. Cameron, Supervisor)
Van den Eynden, Tiffany "Mutter und ermensch": Ideals and Countertypes of "Aryan" Femininity and Masculinity in National Socialist Theory and Practice, 1933-1945 (Dr. S. Kalman, Supervisor)
Armour, Maureen "Pious Pornography or Exclusively Educational: An Analysis of Conflicting Historical Interpretations of the Lives of the Saints"
Desaulniers, Frederique "A Meaty Rhetoric for Aztec Eating Habits"
Dunn, Brian "Vae Victis: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial, 1945-1948"
_Gallant, Alyssa "Mansions of Woe: Nova Scotia's Poorhouse Tradition"
Giuliani, Olivia "From Guatemala to Cuba: A Comparative History of U.S. Intervention"
Henderson, Siobhan "A License to Intervention and Aggression: Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia Emerge out of the Vestiges of Empires"
_Lavelle, Lara "Vulnerable but not Powerless?: Exploring Student Resistance at the File Hills Indian Residential School"
_Lilly, Hannah "To Love in Africa: Colonial Reactions to Male Sexuality and the Implications on the Spread of AIDS and the Modern Approaches to Gender in Zimbabwe"
_Matheson, Scott "Whatsoever Things are True": St. Francis Xavier University During the Great War (Dr. Stanley-Blackwell, Supervisor)
_Racine, Emily "Submission or Subversion: The Professionalization of Female Missionaries of the LMS in South Africa, 1875-1910"
Ray, Alanna "U.S. Influence in Military Coups in Latin America: A Comparison of Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973"
Armour, Maureen "Pious Pornography or Exclusively Educational: An Analysis of Conflicting Historical Interpretations of the Lives of the Saints"
Desaulniers, Frederique "A Meaty Rhetoric for Aztec Eating Habits"
Dunn, Brian "Vae Victis: The Tokyo War Crimes Trial, 1945-1948"
_Gallant, Alyssa "Mansions of Woe: Nova Scotia's Poorhouse Tradition"
Giuliani, Olivia "From Guatemala to Cuba: A Comparative History of U.S. Intervention"
Henderson, Siobhan "A License to Intervention and Aggression: Rumania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia Emerge out of the Vestiges of Empires"
_Lavelle, Lara "Vulnerable but not Powerless?: Exploring Student Resistance at the File Hills Indian Residential School"
_Lilly, Hannah "To Love in Africa: Colonial Reactions to Male Sexuality and the Implications on the Spread of AIDS and the Modern Approaches to Gender in Zimbabwe"
_Matheson, Scott "Whatsoever Things are True": St. Francis Xavier University During the Great War (Dr. Stanley-Blackwell, Supervisor)
_Racine, Emily "Submission or Subversion: The Professionalization of Female Missionaries of the LMS in South Africa, 1875-1910"
Ray, Alanna "U.S. Influence in Military Coups in Latin America: A Comparison of Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973"
Barker, Catherine "Useless History?: The Role of Latin American Testimonial Literature" (Dr. C. Frazer, Supervisor)
Clowater, Jeremy "The Hitler Jugend: Propaganda, Coercion, and Resistance" (Dr. S. Kalman, Supervisor)
_Fyfe, Erika "'Scoundrels versus Parasites': The Prince Edward Island Question and the Transformation from Leasehold to Freehold Tenure" (Dr. L. Stanley Blackwell, Supervisor)
_Ikeda, Mari “The Allied Occupation of Japan and the Postwar US-Japan Relationship: American Directive or Japanese Initiative?” (Dr. R. Zecker, Supervisor)
_Jones, Laura “A Transcendent Interest: The Entry of the United States into World War I, 1914-1917” (Dr. R. Zecker, Supervisor)
_MacIsaac, Ian “’Fascist Externalities’: The Public and Private Policy of Business and Industry in Nazi Germany” (Dr. S. Kalman, Supervisor)
MacKenzie, Barry “From Rule to Reign: Hanoverian Monarchy in Britain” (Dr. P. Phillips, Supervisor)
_MacKinnon, Andrew “Acadian Resistance, 1755-1763” (Dr. L. Stanley-Blackwell, Supervisor)
_Schnarr, Nancy “Painting for a Nation: Canada and the Group of Seven” (Dr. L. Stanley-Blackwell, Supervisor)
_Learning, Jeffrey "Unveiling the Newfoundland Mummer"
Cody, Francis "Why Did France Fail? An Analysis of French Diplomatic and Tactical Deficiency, 1919-1940"
MacPherson, Sara "From Suez to Somalia: Peacekeeping as the root of Canadian Identity"
_Gould, Melissa “Dutch Immigration to Canada and its impact on the development of Holland Marsh, Ontario”
_MacIsaac, Patrick “From Diefenbaker to Mulroney: The Progressive Conservative Party as a Tool of Regional Discontent” (Dr. P. McInnis, Supervisor)
_Patterson, Sean "Between Anarchy and Chaos: Ideology and Consciousness and the Makhnovshchina, 1917-1921" (Dr. G. Lalande, Supervisor)
_Stewart, Connie “Not a Step Back: The Battle of Stalingrad as the turning point of the Second World War”
_Wilcox, Michael “If you are going to drown, drown splashing: Working-Canada Responds to the First World War”
Dowling, Lindsay “The Story of Conspiracy: Swiss Banks and Jewish Assets, 1939-2002”
McNutt, Ryan “Walking in the Hinter Wonderland: Maritime Regional Disparity, 1879-1930”
Scott, Amber “The Soviet Partisan Movement 1941-44: Reactions to German Occupation
Yantha, Anne “Competitive Agendas: Class, Gender and Ideology in the Revolutions of 1848 in Germany and France”
Frappier, Jonathan "East Germany and Cold War Crises, 1945-1989"
MacDonald, Jordan “From Communism to Ethnic Cleansing: The Collapse of Yugoslavia, 1980-1995”
Crawshaw, Thomas “Oliver Cromwell: Life and Legacy”
Cumminger, Jonathon “To Rebuild a City: The Reconstruction of Halifax Following the 1917 Explosion”
MacMaster, Meagan “Nicholas II: Last of the Russian Autocrats”
O’Hara, Katherine “The Cathars”
Peters, Morgan A. “Joseph Goebbels and Nazi Propaganda: Beginnings to 1939”
Hubbard, Charles A. “Confederation, Newspapers, and Editors: Alexander Lawson and The Yarmouth Herald”
MacIsaac, Susan “Charlemagne”
Archibald, Peggy “A Vacationers’ Dream or a Political Scheme? The Evolution of Tourism in Ingonish Nova Scotia”
Burgess, Willie “Popular Liberalism in Britain, 1850-1915”
Fleuren, Kristel “Women and Marriage in the Victorian Age”
Fraser, Anne-Marie “The Evacuation of the Japanese-Canadians from the Pacific Coast of British Columbia”
Orendorff, Krista “The Young Women’s Christian Association”
509 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5