Sonia Rondon. Honours: When clinical physiology and food science meet: The production of a functional plant-based protein and fibre optimized apple sauce for older adults and individuals experiencing oral dysphagia. Supervisors: Drs. Marcia English & Ruth Harvie.
Karly Sinnott. Honours: Evidence-based physical activity resources for a virtual Irritable Bowel Syndrome electronic pathway. Supervisor: Dr. Ruth Harvie.
Emily Steeves. Honours: The Cost of a Nutritionally Adequate Menu in Long-Term Care Facilities in Nova Scotia. Supervisor: Dr. Ruth Harvie.

Samantha Fisher. Honours Project: Female athletes are under-represented in sport science research on exercise-associated gastrointestinal symptoms. Supervisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson.
Brighid MacKay. Honours Project: Examining the functional and nutritional impact of mixed Lactic acid bacteria fermentation on the Nova Scotia Soldier Bean Supervisor: Dr. Marcia English.
Chantel Yakimets. Honours Project: Apple Butter Fruit Spreads as Potential Protein Enriched Texture Modified Food Products: Market Assessment and Sensory Characterization. Co-supervisor: Dr. Marcia English & Dr. Ruth Harvie.

Rebecca Demmings. Honours Project: Nutrient decomposition of texture modified diets in rural Nova Scotian clinical settings: a digital food photography assessment. Supervisor: Dr. Ruth Harvie; Second Reader, Patricia St. James.
Kelli Weinkauf. Honours Project: Examining the barriers to achieving a resilient local food system in Nova Scotia: producers' perspective in a global pandemic. Supervisor: Dr. Tracy Everitt; Second Reader: Christine Johnson
Elizabeth Talbot. Honours Project: Local Food System Resilience: Consumer Response to COVID-19. Supervisor: Dr. Tracy Everitt; Second Reader, Dr. Ann Fox
Cayla Olynyk. Honours Project: Exploring student athletes understanding and management of exercise-associated gastrointestinal symptoms: A mixed methods approach. Supervisory Committee: Dr. Jen Jamieson & Sarah O’Brien PDt.

Cassandra Fenlon. Honours Project: Characterizing the Physical and Structural interactions of Plant-Based biodegradable plastic alternatives. Advisor: Dr. Marcia English.
Kelsey Gill. Honours Project: Development of a Canadian Nutrient Composition Database for Gluten-Free Foods. Advisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson.
Natasha Lawlor. Honours Project: Tea and Talk Time: Exploring the Experience of Participants in a Pilot Intergenerational Social Dining Program. Co-advisor: Dr. Ann Fox & Candace MacKenzie.
Jane MacDougall. Honours Project: Seniors' Perceptions of Canada's New Food Guide. Advisor: Dr. Ann Fox.

Monika Hotson. Honours Project: Exploring a course project from a Two-Eyed Seeing perspective: a student sharing circle. Advisor: Dr. Ann Fox
Carmen Lilley. Honours Project: Development of a Food Environment Assessment Tool for use on Post-Secondary Campuses. Advisor: Dr. Ann Fox
Anna Neufeld. Honours Project: An Exploration of Food Sources of Nutrients and Dietary Patterns of the Gluten-free Diet. Advisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson
Katie Rennie. Honours Project: Exploring the relationship between Cannabis usage and symptomatic relief using a mixed-methods approach. Advisors: Dr. John McKenna (PSYC) and Dr. Marcia English
Haileigh Robb. Honours Project: Examining Weekly Grocery Store Promotions as A Form of Inequity for People Living on Income Assistance in Nova Scotia. Advisors: Christine Johnson, RD, MAN; Hannah Mawhinney, MSc
Jacqueline Rusin. Honours Project: Determination of Folate Content in Nutritionally Important Gluten-Free Flours Using Lactobacillus casei spp. Rhamnosus in a Microbiological Assay. Advisors: Dr. Marcia English & Dr. Jen Jamieson

WEBB, Denise. Determining the needs, wants and opportunities for promoting healthy eating at the East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy afterschool program.
WINNER: Community-engaged research award, StFX Student Research Day, 28 March, 2018.
Supervisor: Dr. Ann Fox
BURRELL, Heather-Ann. Investigating antihypertensive, angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of soldier bean protein hydrolysates
Supervisors: Dr. Marcia English and Dr. Alejandro Cohen
CHIKWAVAIRE, Chiedza. Use of Smartphone Nutrition Application by Nutrition and Non-Nutrition Undergraduate Students at StFX
Supervisor: Dr. Pat Mazier
GOUTHRO, Leah. Diet assessment of collegiate athletes following a gluten-free diet
Supervisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson
KEOUGH, Michael. Consumer acceptability of cooked American lobster (Homarus americanus) frozen in a new cryoprotective solutions
Supervisors: Dr. Marcia English and Dr. Matthew Sweeney
LIU, Aiyu. Understanding international students’ food experience through the food literacy framework
Supervisor: Dr. Laura Gougeon
MACKENZIE, Hayley. An Exploration into the Meaning of Food in the Lives of Practicing Dietitians from across Canada
Supervisor: Dr. Laurie Wadsworth
OCHITWA, Karli. Exploring Food Practices and Dental Health of Children in Paqtnkek Nova Scotia
Supervisors: Dr. Ann Fox & Dr. Doris Gillis
REES, Amanda. Protein extraction from the macroalgae dulse (Palmaria palmata) and sea lettuce (Ulva lactuca): Impact of environmental conditions on extraction efficiency
Supervisor: Dr. Marcia English, Second Reader: Dr. Chibuike Udenigwe
SAMPSON, Brittany. Development of a gardening manual as a potential food literacy enhancement tool for community-dwelling older adults
by Brittany Sampson. Supervisor: Dr. Laura Gougeon
ROSTA, Emily. Evaluating the Quality of Gluten-Free Diets using the NOVA Food Classification System.
Silver medal StFX Bookstore Prize at Student Research Day, March 28, 2018.
Supervisor: Dr. Jen Jamieson

GARDNER, Casidhe. A critical discourse analysis of the use of food related memes and comic strips through social media. Supervisor: Dr. Laurie Wadsworth
VIANA, Lauren. A Comparison of the functional and sensory properties of untreated and treated Nova Scotia pulse flours. Supervisor: Marcia English, PhD(c)
MACCHARLES, Lindsay (pictured below). What Food Guidance Approach should Canada take to benefit the Health of Seniors in Rural Nova Scotia? Supervisor: Dr. Ann Fox

208 J. Bruce Brown Hall
2320 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5