Applying, Auditioning and Scholarships

Key dates

  • March 1 – Deadline to apply for StFX Academic Scholarship. See Admissions Key Dates.
  • March 1 – Deadline to apply for a Music Department Scholarship  
  • April 30 – Deadline to audition for the music program. We will accept applications after this date but cannot guarantee a seat. Please email  to inquire about auditioning. 
Admission to StFX Music

To be admitted to the Music Program at StFX, you must be accepted by both the University and the Music Department. The Admissions Office will contact you about your final admission status after it has been notified by the Music Department. 



An important step of our application process is the audition. Audition information for each studio can be found in the Studios section. 

How to audition
  • In person, on our campus. Residents of Atlantic Canada are strongly encouraged to audition this way.  
  • Pre-recorded video auditions through:  
    • Downloadable video (via Dropbox, OneDrive, Google Drive, or other cloud-based service). Email links to the Studio professor for your instrument or voice. 
    • A private YouTube channel (you may be contacted for access permission).  
    • DVD. Send DVDs to this address: Music Department, St. Francis Xavier University, PO Box 5000, Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2W5.  
    • Streamed via video call.  

Applying to study music at StFX? Please complete the following 2 forms, email the completed PDF form to the Music Department at, and arrange for us to hear from you.

Audio-only auditions (mp3, CD, etc.) will not be accepted.

StFX Music Department Scholarships

StFX Music scholarships are based on musical talent and independent of academic grades. Talent will be assessed by your audition. 

Candidates must apply to StFX University before applying for one of these scholarships. Scholarships are renewable for each year, for four years. The deadline to apply for a Music Department scholarship is March 1. 

To apply for a Music Department scholarship: 

  1. Schedule an audition or submit a recorded audition. 
  2. Submit an essay (500-1000 words) describing your musical past (experience and training) and future (aspirations, inspirations, or goals). Email the essay with subject line “Scholarship Application Essay” to

Candidates may also be interviewed via video call. 

Private Scholarships

Some music scholarships are funded by private donations and administered outside of the university.  

The Professor Emeritus Jack O’Donnell, C.M. Music Scholarship is awarded prior to the fourth year of study to the Bachelor of Music candidate with the highest grade average in their third year.  

The Daniel and Frances Anzelc Cordeau Music Scholarship is awarded to a first-year Music student who self-identifies as being of Slovenian ancestry. There is one scholarship of $7000 per year, renewable for four years, awarded to a single student every four years.Application deadline is April 1, 2024. The next scholarship will be awarded in May of 2026.  

Students from Cape Breton may be interested in applying for the Ruth Goldbloom Award for the current academic year. The application deadline is April 30th annually. Interested persons should submit a biographical outline including career aspirations, education to date and some indication of financial need. Please mail completed applications to: The Charles and Mary MacLennan Foundation, 62 Highland Drive, Truro, NS B2N 1B9 

Note: It is possible to receive both a StFX Academic Scholarship and a Music Department Scholarship. 

Transfer students

Students transferring from another school must submit official transcripts and course descriptions from their school. Previous courses are accepted on the basis of their content – please contact us at for details. 

We have the following agreements with Holland College and Nova Scotia Community College: 

Holland College

Graduates of Holland College Music Performance Diploma may be eligible to receive two years' credit toward StFX’s Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music (Honours), or Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Music and be eligible to complete the StFX degree after two year’s full-time study. 

Nova Scotia Community College

Graduates of the NSCC Diploma in Music Arts may be eligible to receive two year’s credit toward StFX’s Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Music (Honours), or Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Music and be eligible to complete the StFX degree after two year’s full-time study. 

Students wishing to transfer to StFX from these colleges should email the Music Department at