Anne Murray-Orr
Dr. Murray-Orr taught in elementary schools, mostly in Kindergarten and Grade One, in Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia for ten years before completing a PhD at the University of Alberta.
Her recent research has been in the areas of pre-service teachers' integration of literacy in the content areas, and professional learning of early elementary teachers. Dr. Murray-Orr is currently involved in research into how middle school teachers infuse literacy practices into their science and social studies classes, and a project investigating the impact of working with experienced Mi'kmaw teachers on Mi'kmaw pre-service teachers.
Refereed Publications: Journal articles
Mitton-Kukner, J. & Murray-Orr, A. (2017). A multi-year study of pre-service teachers’ literacy practices in the content areas: Time epistemologies as indicators of stasis and growth. Pedagogies: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1080/1554480X.2017.1376670
Murray-Orr, A. & Mitton-Kukner, J. (2017). An exploratory case study of one early career teacher’s evolving teaching practice in Northern Canada. McGill Journal of Education, 52(1), 71-92.
Ciuffetelli Parker, D., Murray-Orr, A., Griffin, S., Mitton-Kukner, J, & Pushor, D. (2017). Problematizing complexities and pedagogy in teacher education programs: Enacting knowledge in a narrative inquiry teacher education discourse community. Canadian Journal of Education, 40(2), 1-30.
Nyika, L. & Murray-Orr, A. (2017). Critical race theory-social constructivist bricolage: A health promoting schools research methodology. Health Education Journal, 76(4), 432-441.
MacKinnon, G., Schep, L., Lunney Borden, L., Murray-Orr, A. & Orr, J. (2016). Evaluating classroom interaction with the iPad â: An updated Stalling’s tool. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology,12 (3), 93-107.
Murray-Orr, A. & Mitton Kukner, J. (2015). Fostering a creativity mindset in content area teachers through their use of literacy strategies. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 16, 69-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.tsc.2015.02.003
Mitton Kukner, J. & Murray-Orr, A. (2015). Inquiring into pre-service content area teachers’ development of literacy practices and pedagogical content knowledge. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40(5).
Mitton Kukner, J. & Murray-Orr, A. (2014). Making the invisible of learning visible: Pre-service teachers identify connections between the use of literacy strategies and their content area assessment practices. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 403-419.
Murray-Orr, A., Mitton Kukner , J., & Timmons, D.J. (2014). Fostering literacy practices in secondary science and mathematics courses: Pre-service teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Language and Literacy, 16(1), 91-110.
Nyika, L. & Murray-Orr, A. (2014). Storying undergraduate university students’ identity construction in relation to sexual behaviours. PHEnex journal 6(1), 1-19.
Munroe, E., Lunney-Borden, L., Murray-Orr, A. Toney, D. & Meader, J. (2013). Decolonizing Aboriginal education in the 21st century. McGill Journal of Education, 48 (2), 317-337.
Mitton Kukner, J. & Murray-Orr, A. (2012). Pre-service teachers’ development of literacy practices in science, math, and social studies. Antistasis, University of New Brunswick Education Journal, 2(2), 32-34.
Stanec, A. & Murray-Orr, A. (2011). Elementary generalists’ perceptions of physical literacy. Physical Health Education Nex(us): PHEnex journal, 3 (1), 1-18.
Kraglund-Gauthier, W., Chareka, O., Murray-Orr, A., & Foran, A. (2010). E-pedagogy and the possibilities for learning: An inquiry into online instructors’ lived experiences. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 1–11.
Refereed Publications: Book Chapters
Paul, S., Paul-Gould, S., with Murray-Orr, A., & Tompkins. J. (2017). Carrying our sacred language: Teaching in a Mi’kmaq immersion program. In E. Barbian, G. Cornell Gonzales & P. Mejia (Eds.), Rethinking Bilingual Education. Milwaukee, WI: Rethinking Schools.
Mitton-Kükner, J. and Murray Orr, A. (2016). Three exploratory Canadian case studies of early career teachers: Developing literacies as emerging pedagogies in the content areas. In M. Hirschkorn & J. Mueller (Eds.), What should Canada’s teachers know? Teacher capacities: Knowledge, beliefs and skills. Ottawa, On: Canadian Association for Teacher Education. (Available at http://cate-acfe.ca/)
Tompkins, J. & Murray-Orr, A. (2013). Best practices and challenges in Mi’kmaq and Maliseet language immersion programs. In D. Newhouse & J. Orr (Eds.), Aboriginal Knowledge for Economic Development (Vol. 1). Halifax: Fernwood Press.
Paul-Gould, S., Sock, S., Murray-Orr, A., & Tompkins, J. (2013). An inquiry into an established language immersion program: A case study of a Mi’kmaw immersion program. In D. Newhouse & J. Orr (Eds.), Aboriginal Knowledge for Economic Development (Vol. 1). Halifax: Fernwood Press.
Clark, R., Pirie, D., Tompkins, J., & Murray-Orr, A. (2013). Beginning an Indigenous language immersion program: A case study of a Wolastoqi Latuwewakon
immersion program. In D. Newhouse & J. Orr (Eds.), Aboriginal Knowledge for Economic Development (Vol. 1). Halifax: Fernwood Press.
Murray-Orr, A. & Tompkins, J. (2013). Implications of Aboriginal immersion for economic development, life-long learning, and community wellbeing. In D. Newhouse & J. Orr (Eds.), Aboriginal Knowledge for Economic Development (Vol. 1). Halifax: Fernwood Press.