Jonathan Langdon
Dr. Langdon is the Canada Research Chair for Sustainability and Social Change Leadership. He earned his PhD in International and Adult Education from McGill University in 2010. He also holds a BA in Development Studies and English Literature from Trent University (1999) and an MA in English Literature, Creative Writing concentration, from Guelph University (2001).
For the past 20 years, he has been working with social movements in Ghana to document and deepen their learning in, through and to struggle. More recently, this work sparked a partnership network amongst social movements in Ghana, South Africa, Guatemala and Canada that focuses on how movements can learn from each other from one locale to another, or translocally. In addition to working with this new partnership, Langdon has contributed to critical and decolonized approaches to Development Studies curriculum, including experiential learning pedagogy. Langdon’s collaborative research has been recognized internationally, receiving two David Jones awards for international research from the UK’s prominent Adult Education research association, SCUTREA (in 2013 and in 2017). Co-authored with many of the activists he’s worked with, as well as with student research assistants, Langdon’s writing has been published in leading international and Canadian development, participatory action research and adult education journals. He is also the author of African Social Movement Learning (Brill, 2020), and editor of Indigenous Knowledges, Development and Education (Sense, 2009).