Access to material

Students, faculty, visiting scholars, researchers, and members of the general public are welcome to consult material in the Fr. Brewer Celtic Collection reading room in the Angus L. MacDonald Library.

New users should be aware that items from the Celtic Collection cannot be taken out of the library. If you require access to the items in the collection outside of our open hours, then items can be checked out of the Celtic Collection to be used in the main part of the Angus L. MacDonald Library. Before leaving the library the books should be given to a member of the Access Services team at the main desk to be placed on the Celtic Collection Shelf. Users can then access these books from the main desk during the regular open hours of the Angus L. MacDonald Library.

The exception to this policy would be items in the Rare Book Cage in the Celtic Collection. Rare items are non-circulating and can only be viewed in the reading room of the Celtic Collection. You are welcome to use a digital camera to take your own photographs of materials during your visit, subject to the Copyright Act of Canada. 

Rare materials must be handled with care. Hands should be washed prior to handling. Please do not mark them or erase existing marks. When taking notes, use only pencil. Also, please do not use paper-clips, tape, and “Post-It” notes.



Angus L. Macdonald Library

Angus L. Macdonald Library
3080 Martha Drive
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5