Program Information and FAQ

A couple of people that are sited aside listening a conference
1. What is the timeline for certification?

The certification process begins the end of September with a workshop on forms and procedures. The deadline for submission of forms is the end of October. Applications go to the Department of Education in early January and licenses are normally issued at Convocation in May.

2. What if my undergraduate university only provides official electronic transcripts?

If your undergraduate school provides official electronic transcripts only, these must be submitted directly to the Office of Teacher Certification at; however, all official paper transcripts must be mailed directly to StFX Faculty of Education.

3. Can I get a teaching license in another province?

All graduates must first be licensed in the province where they received their education degree. Once that teaching license has been received, a teacher may apply in another province for a license in that jurisdiction.

4. When are the job fairs?

The National and International job fair occurs on the last weekend of January at Mount St. Vincent University.

5. May I use my BEd Vulnerable Sector Check when applying to substitute in Nova Scotia?

No, school boards require that a new check be completed as part of the application process.

6. Are Professional Development Days mandatory?

All Professional Development activities are considered mandatory parts of the program. This includes regularly scheduled PD days in each semester, Building Bridges, and NSTU PD sessions.

7. How do I get a copy of my summative evaluation?

Summative evaluations are emailed to the students upon completion of practicum. Copies are kept on file in the Main Office.