Winter 2025 Positions


During the academic year, the Chemistry Department employs a number of students to assist in labs and in assignment marking. Our first priority is the employment of student teaching assistants in our laboratories.

Lab Teaching Assistants

The job entails passing on the experience you gained when taking the laboratory course yourself. These positions are available to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors with preference for the positions in first year labs given to sophomores.  

Lab teaching assistants will: 

  • Prepare themselves for and attend all lab sessions for the course assigned. 
  • Oversee the students assigned to you during the lab session. 
  • Be on the front line to ensure that all work is carried out safely (i.e., promote the concepts of SAFETY: Everybody’s responsibility and SAFETY IS AN ATTITUDE). 
  • Attend a short 30 min safety training session and complete the safety quiz on Moodle. 
  • Mark student lab work (pre-labs and write-ups as required) and record marks accurately. All answer sheets, marking schemes and record sheets will be provided.  
  • Morning (AM) labs run 8:30 – 11:15 am.  Afternoon (PM) labs run 2:30 – 5:15 pm.  Evening (EVE) labs run 6:30-9:15 pm. 

Correctors (Assignment Markers)

To qualify as a corrector, you must have passed the same course (typically we prefer a minimum final grade of 75%) and be a reliable and comfortable choice for the professor of the course. These positions are available for juniors and seniors only.  

A course corrector will be responsible for correcting class assignments, assignment quizzes, etc.  Correctors work directly with the professor of the course, who will provide all materials and details of the number and frequency of work required.  

Position Details

You may apply for up to three lab TA positions, but normally only one position will be awarded for any one term.  

All position are paid $16/hr.

The following positions for student assistants are available (subject to course enrolments and budgetary considerations).  

First-Year Positions 

  • Students with either Chem 100/101/102 or 120/121/122 are encouraged to apply for any first-year lab course.   
  • First Year positions run alternate weeks only (maximum of 6 per term). 

Second-Year Positions 

  •  For all second-year positions you cannot have a commitment (i.e., class, team practice, job, volunteering, etc.) in the time between 5:30-6:30 pm on the lab day for which you are applying.  Some labs may run long, and you are required to stay until the students have finished.  
  • For all second year courses, you must have already passed the course for which you are applying.  
  • Most second year courses have lab every week. CHEM 231/232 LAB is currently scheduled for ALTERNATE WEEKS but may need to be adjusted to accommodate a large class.  


CourseLab Day
Chem 102Tues AM
Chem 102Tues PM
Chem 102Wed PM
Chem 102Thurs PM
Chem 122Thurs PM
Chem 222Tues PM
Chem 222Wed PM
Chem 255Thurs PM
Chem 255Fri PM
Chem 102
Chem 122



Chemistry Department

3060 Nasso Family Science Centre
5009 Chapel Square
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5