Provisional Subject to change   - Fall 2023                                                                                 
Back to Fall Lab Schedule

SEPTEMBER 19 CHECK IN & SAFETY TALK/ The Elements of the First Transition Series
SEPTEMBER 26  Symmetry and Infra-red Spectroscopy
OCTOBER 3 Synthesis of a Coordination Compound
OCTOBER 10 Midterm # 1
OCTOBER 17 Fall Study Break- no Lab
OCTOBER 24 The Preparation of some Ethylenediamine complexes of Nickel(II) – Week 1
OCTOBER 31 The Preparation of some Ethylenediamine complexes of Nickel(II) – Week 2
NOVEMBER 7 The Preparation of 4-coordinate complexes of Cobalt, Manganese, and Copper
NOVEMBER 14 Midterm # 2
NOVEMBER 21 The Preparation of Vanadyl Acetylacetonate
NOVEMBER 28 Determination of ∆0 in some Cr(III) complexes & CHECKOUT
DECEMBER 5 Flex Day, Last Day of Classes Dec 6