Geographic Information System (GIS) Software

ArcGIS software is available to members of the StFX community, who may use the software to support their use of spatial data to make maps, explore and identify spatial trends, features and relationships. Currently, there is no individual that is tasked with providing support on the use of ArcGIS. Users of the ArcGIS software may form a user group to support each other. 

If you are a member of the StFX community and need access to ArcGIS or want to join the ArcGIS User Group, please submit your request at

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are software suits used to map data in space and time. Viewing data in map form is foundational to geosciences, epidemiology, history, and political sciences, and critical to planning and risk management for businesses, governments and NGOs. Modern ArcGIS software allows students and researchers with ordinary computer skills to view data visually, and thus is invaluable to scholars in the social sciences, medicine and the humanities.


Dean of Science

308 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5