Unscheduled Closure and/or Cancellation of Classes Policy

Human Resources
Responsible Authority
Director, People and Culture
Executive Sponsor
Vice President, Finance & Administration
Approval Authority
Date First Approved
Date Last Reviewed
Mandatory Review Date

Updated Mar 2025


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • establish guidelines for the decision-making process that may lead to closure or cancellation;
  • establish protocols for communicating a closure decision once made; and
  • outline procedures to be followed at such a time.


This policy applies to all members of the University community including visitors (including external groups using University facilities).

Should there be a conflict between this document and a Collective Agreement between the University and one of its employee groups the applicable Collective Agreement will govern.


For the purposes of this Policy, the following definitions will apply:

  1. "Casual" employees are those employees who work on an irregular basis.
  2. "Closure" refers to the closure of all facilities on the University's campus in Antigonish, Nova Scotia except for those deemed Essential under Appendix A of this Policy.
  3. "Continuing" employees are those employees who work a set number of hours per week on a continuing basis with no set end date.
  4. "Department Head" is the most senior employee in the employee's department (i.e.: Chair, Dean, Director or equivalent). This may also be the employee's Supervisor.
  5. "Limited-Term" employees are those who are employed on a contract for a set number of hours per week for a defined period (not on a continuing basis).
  6. "Partial Closure" refers to the closure of some, but not all, facilities on the University's campus in Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
  7. "Sessional" employees are those who are employed for a set number of hours per week but are appointed for less than twelve (12) months per year. A Sessional appointment may be Continuing (with no set end date) or Limited-Term.
  8. "Supervisor" is the individual to whom the employee directly reports.

Closure/Partial Closure

The University will close when there is a situation which makes it extremely difficult or dangerous for faculty, staff or students to inhabit University facilities remain at, or travel to the University. In addition to these requirements, the University will close when the President (or designate) determines that closure is appropriate in the circumstances.

Partial closures of the campus (i.e. selected buildings) may take place from time to time and may result in staff being moved to other facilities on campus.

The University may close for part of the day to allow for the clearing of parking lots and to give individuals more time to reach the campus.


The University will close and/or cancel in-person classes when there is a situation which makes it extremely difficult or dangerous for faculty, staff or students to inhabit University facilities, remain at, or travel to the University. The University will also close, partially close or cancel classes when the Designated Authority determines that such a measure is appropriate in the circumstances.

Although this policy has been developed primarily for closings due to hazardous weather conditions, it will also be followed in the event of any other conditions that require the closing or partial closing of the University such as a utilities failure. Thus, the policy developed here will maintain a degree of flexibility to handle the essential nature of emergency situations, which are unique and may arrive unexpectedly.

During a major incident (such as a hurricane) or where the conditions leading to a closure are expected to last two (2) or more days, the Designated Authority may implement such additional measures as they deem necessary to protect the health, safety and security of the University community.

The Designated Authority will determine when the University reopens following a closure or partial closure.

Designated Authority

The authority and responsibility to close/partially close the University or cancel classes due to a condition or situation where, upon assessment or review, such closure or cancellation is warranted normally rests with the Designated Authority. In descending order, the Designated Authority will be:

  1. Academic Vice-President and Provost
  2. Vice-President, Finance and Administration
  3. Director, Risk Management

Where one of the above individuals is not available, authority falls to the next individual on the list. An individual holding a short-term acting position for one of the Designated Authorities will not be eligible to be the Designated Authority. In the event all the Designated Authorities are unavailable, the President will designate an alternate.

Expectations of Employees During a Closure/Cancellation

Except for those essential services listed in Appendix A, the closing will be final and not left to the discretion of individuals or departments unless special arrangements are made with the Director, Risk Management and Campus Safety and Security. Only those employees who have been informed in advance by their Supervisors that they provide essential services for the purposes of this Policy are expected to report to the workplace.

To the extent feasible, non-union employees who have not been designated as essential are expected to work remotely during a closure. During a partial closure or cancellation of classes, employees are expected to report to work except as otherwise directed by their Supervisor. Unionized employees may be required to work at the request of their manager and will be compensated in accordance with their Collective Agreement.

All employees who are scheduled to work remotely on the day of the closure are expected to continue working as normal. No additional compensation is provided in these circumstances.

Cancellation of Classes

In some circumstances, where it is deemed safe to remain open, it may be decided to cancel some or all in-person classes. 

Classes held online or at off-campus locations will continue during a Closure or Partial Closure. In some circumstances, classes at off-campus locations may be cancelled due to the closure of those facilities, while the StFX campus remains unaffected.

Cancelled Examinations

Cancelled formal examinations may be rescheduled or alternative arrangements made by the Academic Vice-President and Provost in consultation with the Deans, the Registrar and others as deemed necessary.

Events and Travel During Closures

Events scheduled to occur on-campus (such as conferences, meetings and sporting events) will not continue during a closure. Events may continue during a partial closure where it is safe to do so by the Designated Authority. Departments are responsible for notifying external organizers of any cancellations.

Travel for events occuring off-campus (such as field trips or sporting events) during a closure or partial closure will be permitted to continue dependent on weather conditions with the approval of the Designated Authority.


Every effort will be made to communicate a firm decision as early as possible, taking into consideration that many staff work evening, night, or weekend/holiday shifts. Our goal is to communicate a decision whether to open as usual or cancel classes/close the University by:

  • Daytime Operations 6:00 AM
  • Evening operations 1:00 PM
  • Night-time Operations 5:00 PM

Notifications of closures, partial closures or cancellation of classes will include an anticipated timeline for when updates will be provided.

Employee Compensation

When the University or part of the University is closed under this Policy, Continuing, Limited-Term and Sessional full-time and part-time employees whose work sites are affected and who were scheduled for work and who would have been at work but for the closure will be maintained at 100% of regular earnings for the period of closure. These closures shall not be considered University holidays.

Employees who were not intending to be at work and who had scheduled vacation, sick leave, compensating time off for overtime, days off in lieu, normal days off or other approved leave will have their time recorded as scheduled before the closure was announced.

Continuing, Limited-Term and Sessional full-time and part-time employees who are required to remain on duty or who are asked to report for their regularly scheduled hours of work to provide essential or required services will be compensated for their regular hours plus one (1) additional hour for each hour worked.1 Where these workers are unable to report to work, they will be maintained at 100% of regular earnings for the period of closure.

Where the University is open and an employee is unable to report for work, is late, or requests to leave early because of weather conditions, the employee may use accumulated time owing or vacation days, or may with departmental approval, make up the hours at a mutually acceptable time. At the discretion of the Supervisor, the Employee may also be authorized to work remotely.

Casual employees will be paid for time worked during the closure.

1Employees will normally be compensated with time in lieu unless otherwise required by the applicable Collective Agreement. Managerial and Professional Employees who are not eligible for overtime are not eligible for additional compensation.

Workplace Accommodations

The University recognizes that employees with disabilities may require assistance during a closure. Employees have a responsibility for requesting accommodation including identifying, where possible, the types of accommodation they consider appropriate. Such employees are encouraged to contact People and Culture in advance of any closure to discuss any disability-related needs, and to arrange for reasonable and appropriate accommodation.


This policy is not intended to cover all eventualities. It is assumed that the decision making and relevant communications will be adapted, as appropriate, to suit the circumstances. Reasonable efforts will be made to communicate class cancellation or closure, but it is possible that not all individuals will receive notification despite these efforts.


When there is appropriate lead time and circumstances warrant, an advisory will be issued on StFX Alerts, email, the StFX website and social media regarding a weather watch (or other emergency situation) that is being monitored for impact on the University's normal operations.

Ongoing Review

After each time the policy and related procedures are used, they will be reviewed in an effort to improve their effectiveness.


Sources of Information

The Director, Facilities Management and the Director, Risk Management are responsible to gather all relevant information, monitor the situation on an ongoing basis and report to the Designated Authority in a timely fashion.

In making the decision, the Designated Authority will rely on information from the relevant federal and provincial agencies such as Environment and Climate Change Canada, the RCMP and the Nova Scotia Department of Public Works. In most circumstances, the Designated Authority will consult with the Unexpected Closures Committee prior to making their decision. The Unexpected Closures Committee will consist of:

  1. The alternate Designated Authorities;
  2. Director, Facilities Management;
  3. Assistant Vice-President, Administration and Ancillary Services;
  4. Director, IT Services;
  5. Registrar; and,
  6. Director, Student Life.

While every effort will be made to conduct thorough consultations before a closing decision is made, consultations may be limited in the interest of a speedy and efficient closing decision. The Designated Authority will notify the President of any decision to close, partially close or cancel classes.

Determining Factors

The safety of our students, staff and faculty is of paramount importance. Factors contributing to the decision to close/partially close or reopen the University or cancel or resume classes include:

  • State of emergency or impending state of emergency;
  • Weather conditions (current and forecasted);
  • Road conditions;
  • Ability to access and use the campus safely;
  • Ability to adequately staff campus operations;
  • Ability to maintain campus roadways, parking lots, paths, stairs and building entrances in safe condition;
  • Ability of emergency services to access the campus;
  • Disadvantages of sending individuals back into the weather once they have arrived on campus; and
  • Anticipation that conditions will worsen or persist such that public transportation may not operate or roads may be closed as a result of storm conditions, which will make travel home unusually difficult or hazardous.

Communicate Decision to Staff, Faculty and Students

Once a decision is made, the Director of Marketing and Communications (or designate) is responsible for the coordination of communications concerning closure of the University. The Director of Marketing and Communications (or designate) will act as the official University spokesperson with media concerning the closure.

The Director of Marketing and Communications (or designate) will communicate information on closures, partial closures and cancellation of classes via StFX Alerts, email, and the University's website and social media.

The above reflects the University's practice during most closures. The Designated Authority may determine that some or all the above are not necessary depending on the circumstances and impact of the closure, partial closure or cancellation of classes.

The Assistant Vice-President, Administration and Ancillary Services (or designate) and the Director, Athletics and Recreation (or designate) will notify external organizations of a closure or partial closure as applicable.

In the case where the University makes the decision to close, partially close or cancel classes, Managers and Supervisors will ensure employees are informed of the decision. This particularly applies to employees who do not have access to email during working hours.

Closure/Class Cancellations of Short Duration

From time to time it may be necessary for the University to close buildings and cancel classes for short periods due to an emergency situation such as a temporary power outage. The Director, Risk Management (or designate) or Director, Facilities Management (or designate) will ensure impacted parties (including students and employees) are notified.

The Director, Risk Management (or designate) or Director, Facilities Management (or designate) will ensure the Academic Vice-President and Vice-President, Finance and Administration are apprised of the situation. 

Return to Normal Operations

After consideration of all relevant information, the Designated Authority will determine when the University will return to normal operations. Under most circumstances, this will result in the reopening of the University. However, in some cases, a phased in approach by employee group or by building, may be required to ease the transition

Prior to resuming normal operations, the Designated Authority may, in consultation with Unexpected Closures Committee, authorize certain activities (such as events) to proceed on campus during a closure where there is a compelling rationale, and it is safe to do so.

Information regarding the reopening of the campus will be communicated using the procedures outlined in earlier sections of this policy.

Appendix A - Essential Services

Essential services normally remain operational during the closure of the University. For clarity, in the event it becomes necessary to curtail or suspend a required service, the Dean or Vice-President who oversees the required service will be contacted directly.

The following departments/units have been identified as providing essential services:

  • Facilities Management
  • University Housing and Residence Life
  • Information Technology Services
  • Campus Safety and Security
  • Plant and Animal Care Services
  • Food Services

The Department Heads of the above essential services are responsible for: identifying the levels of service and staffing required to continue operations during a closure; and for ensuring continuing operations during a closure.

Employees designated to provide these essential services should be informed by their Supervisor. Not every employee in a unit will normally be designated as providing essential or required services. When time permits, a reminder should be provided to these employees when a weather watch is in effect. Only those employees designated by their Supervisor as providing these essential or required services for the purposes of this policy are expected to report to work in case of a closure of the University.

The University expects employees to prioritize their own personal safety. In situations where it is objectively unsafe to travel to work, an essential employee will inform their Supervisor as soon as possible. Essential employees who decide that it is safe to travel shall take every precaution necessary to ensure their personal safety when traveling to and from work.

During a closure, the Assistant Vice-President, Administration and Ancillary Services (or designate) will coordinate the provision of food and housing for essential employees who are required to stay on campus, as possible.

The Library and the Fitness Centre may provide reduced services during a closure where staff are available, and it is deemed safe to do so by the Designated Authority.

Researchers requiring access during a closure to maintain critical research infrastructure, care for live specimens or to address other health and safety concerns should arrange access in advance through the Office of the Associate Vice-President, Research, Graduate and Professional Studies.