St. Francis Xavier University Students' Union (Students' Union)
St. Francis Xavier University (University)
WHEREAS the University is committed to being a student centric institution, one that values and respects the views of the student body and;
WHEREAS the University recognizes and values the importance of the student voice in decision making processes;
WHEREAS the Students' Union is recognized as the primary liaison between the student body and the University Administration and;
WHEREAS both the University and the Students' Union are committed to responsible and informed consultation regarding the operations of the university;
It Is Hereby Agreed That:
1. General Principles:
1.1 The University and the Students' Union will respect, value and exemplify the following consultation principles:
Accountability and Transparency:
Demonstrated by:
a) Providing adequate information to allow an informed response.
b) Responding to information requests in a timely manner.
c) Provision of information to ensure that designated funds are utilized for intended purposes.
d) Regularly reviewing fees/relevant policies to ensure effectiveness and applicability.
Mutual Respect:
Demonstrated by:
a) Adhering to established timelines.
b) Cooperation for the good of the StFX community throughout the consultation process.
c) Efficient and effective resolution of any disagreements or disputes by means of collaborative process.
d) Presenting information in plain language free of jargon.
e) Clearly defining any necessary acronyms, explaining technical terms, and/or include a glossary of supporting terms.
f) Offering genuine options:
- Considering alternative plans where necessary.
- Ensuring that alternatives provided throughout the process are realistic and achievable.
Demonstrated by:
a) Consulting a variety of students and campus stakeholders.
b) Respecting and accommodating the diverse needs and priorities that exist within the student body.
c) Employing varying methods of communication.
2. Tuition and Fees:
2.1 Students will be consulted with regards to any addition or changes to tuition and fees.
2.2 The following process will be followed with respect to tuition, fee changes and introduction of new fees.
2.3 Changes in Tuition
- All proposed tuition increases will be presented to the University Budget Committee for consideration.
- For any change to tuition that is less than or equal to 3% presentation of the tuition increase and rationale to the University Budget Committee will be sufficient consultation.
- For any increase to tuition that is greater than 3%:
- The university administration shall notify the Students' Union President as outlined in Section 2.6.
- The Vice President Finance and Administration of the University shall present the proposed tuition change along with supporting information to the Students' Union Representative Council (herein Council) for consideration.
- The University will offer information sessions to inform students of proposed tuition increases along with rationale.
- The results of the Council's vote on the proposed tuition change shall be made known to the University Budget Committee and the Board of Governors prior to their voting on the tuition change.
- If the proposed tuition changes impact only a portion of the student body then the consultation process will be adjusted to ensure input is received from the impacted constituencies prior to approval of the tuition increases.
- If the proposed tuition increase will only impact newly enrolled students, Section 2.3.2 applies.
- If the University aims to restructure its tuition schedule, then all relevant information will be presented to the University Budget Committee. Given the varying impact that this change may have on individual programs the University will work with the Students' Union to develop appropriate consultation with the Student Body.
2.4 Ancillary and Auxiliary Fees
- All proposed fee increases will be presented to the University Budget Committee for consideration.
- For any proposed increase in fees that is less than or equal to 3% presentation of the fee increase and rationale to the University Budget Committee will be sufficient consultation.
- For any proposed increase in fees that is greater than 3% but less than or equal to 5%:
- The University Administration shall notify the Students' Union President as outlined in Section 2.5.
- The Vice President Finance and Administration of the University shall present the proposed fee change along with supporting information to the Council for consideration.
- The result of the Council's vote on the proposed fee change shall be made known to the University Budget Committee and the Board of Governors prior to their voting on the fee change.
- For any proposed increase in fees that is greater than 5% or planned introduction of a new fee:
- The University Administration shall notify the Students' Union President as outlined in Section 2.5.
- The Vice President Finance and Administration of the University shall present the proposed fee change along with supporting information to the Council for consideration.
- At the discretion of the Council a student referendum (See appendix A) may be run to seek approval for the fee change.
- The results of either Council's vote or the student referendum on the proposed fee change shall be made known to the University Budget Committee and the Board of Governors prior to their voting on the fee change.
- In any case where a student referendum returns a result that shows greater than 75% against the change, the fee change will not be implemented.
- If any of the proposed fee changes impact only a portion of the student body then the consultation process will be adjusted to ensure input is received from the impacted constituencies prior to approval of the fee increases.
- The University Administration shall notify the Students' Union President as outlined in Section 2.5.
- For any change to an existing fee that is less than or equal to 3%, Section 2.4.2 applies.
- For any change to an existing fee that is greater than 3% but less than or equal to 5%, Section 2.4.3 applies.
- For any change to an existing fee that is greater than 5%, Section 2.4.4 applies.
- If the proposed fee increase will only impact newly enrolled students, Section 2.4.2 applies.
2.5 Introduction of New Fees
- All proposed new fees will be presented to the University Budget Committee for consideration.
- Following the timelines outlined in Section 2.6, the University Administration must present to the Students' Union President, a Terms of Reference for any new fees to be introduced. This Terms of Reference shall describe in detail what the fees will be used for, the duration that the fee will be imposed and reporting that will be done to ensure funds are used as intended.
2.6 Timeline for Fee Consultation
- Whereas the consultation in regards to financial processes is more rigidly defined by a budgetary timeline of the University, the following timeline for all such financial consultation shall be followed for each fiscal year:
- November 25th- University Administration shall submit, in writing, any additions of fees or changes to existing tuition and fees to the Students' Union President.
- February 15th- The Students' Union President shall respond to University Administration based on the student Consultation as outlined in this document.
2.7 Inflation Adjustment
- In any year where the Canadian Consumer Price Index, as defined by Statistics Canada, increases by greater than 3% the percentage contained in this agreement will be increased by a corresponding amount.
3. Policy and Planning
3.1 There will be student involvement on university committees and other university forums as determined from discussions between the parties.
3.2 Policy matters related to the mental health and wellness of students shall be brought to the Senate's Quality of Life Committee for consideration and input. There shall be a minimum of six (6) student representatives on the Quality of Life Committee, one of whom shall be the Students' Union Vice President Academic Affairs. The student representatives shall hold a 40% vote share of the committee. The Committee will meet at least four (4) times annually.
3.3 Policy matters related to sexual violence response and prevention shall be brought to the University's Sexual Violence Prevention Committee for consideration and input. There shall be a minimum of four (4) students on the Sexual Violence Prevention Committee, one of whom shall be the Student's Union Vice President Academic. The student representatives shall hold a 33% vote share of the committee. The Committee will meet at least four (4) times annually.
4. Term
4.1 The term of this agreement will be March 1, 2020 and end on February 28, 2025. This agreement may be renewed after five (5) years and shall be subject to an annual review scheduled for March of every year the agreement is active.
Signed, this ___ day of ___________ of the year _______.

Appendix A: University Initiated Referendum
- Each referendum question will deal with only one issue.
- The Chief Returning Officer will ensure that all referendum questions are concise and clear.
- Referenda must be held during the winter semester of a given year, with the results sent to the University Administration no later than February 15th of a given year.
- Quorum for all referenda shall be fifty percent of the Students Union Membership.
- Any motion to place a question before the Union through a referendum must be presented at a regular meeting of Council. The motion shall then be put on the agenda of the next regular Council meeting at which time it will be discussed and voted upon. If passed, the question will be put up to the student membership during the following referendum period.
- Council and University administration must approve the wording of the referendum question no less than twenty-one (21) days prior to the beginning of the referendum vote.
- If the referendum results in seventy-five percent (75%) of the voters opposed to the proposed fee change or fee increase the fee will not be implemented.
- For each referendum, the university shall be required, prior to any active campaigning, to submit a campaign budget and marketing materials, which are subject to approval by the Chief Returning Officer of the Students' Union. If the university does not adhere to the submitted budget or marketing materials, or no marketing materials or budget are submitted for approval, the proposed referendum shall be brought to a Referendum Review Committee. This committee shall have the power to declare any referendum results to be void. If the results of the referendum are voided, the proposed fee change or new fee will not be implemented.
- The Students' Union Chair of Council shall chair the Referendum Review Committee. The Chair shall only vote in the case of a tie vote from the other committee members. Additional Committee Membership is to be comprised of: three (3) University Appointees, appointed by the Vice President Finance and Administration (voting) and three (3) Student Appointees, appointed by the Students' Union President. (voting)