Bass Studio

In the bass studio at StFX, a priority is placed on developing a consistent time feel and conception of groove, sound production, and bassline construction concepts & strategies. Other areas that are regularly addressed include improvisation, accompaniment skills, melodicism, sight reading, repertoire, personal sound, and more. Working together via weekly lessons, bassists will build fundamental musical skills with the objective of developing into well-rounded, inspiring, and distinctive musicians. 

Audition for Bass

Auditions for the bass studio can be on upright or electric bass. 


  1. Play Major, Jazz Melodic Minor, and Harmonic Minor scales in the key of G (2 octaves preferred, 1 octave mandatory). 
  2. Play a walking bass line over the changes of a 12-bar blues. There should be three variations. 
  3. Play a jazz standard of your choice (not a blues), including the melody and a walking line that fits the changes. 
  4. Live auditions should be prepared to sight-read. 

If you have questions, or wish to set up an audition, please contact us at

Photo of Paul Rushka

Dr. Paul Rushka

Assistant Professor of Music