Animal Care
The St. Francis Xavier University Animal Care Facility is a CCAC certified facility of GAP - Good Animal Practice®. The facility encompasses 2250 square feet and includes two insect rooms, cleaning rooms, an office, a store room, three small-animal holding rooms, a zebrafish room, three walk-in environmental chambers, and a large aquatic room. This facility can hold a wide collection of species from small rodents to amphibians, reptiles and many species of fish and invertebrates. Most investigators work with zebrafish or aquatic invertebrates at this time. The aquatic room is equipped to accommodate both warm and cold water species in either sea water or fresh water.
The StFX University greenhouse is located on the 4th floor of J. Bruce Brown Hall. This year-round space houses a variety of species that are used primarily in both the introductory biology and botany courses. While not overly large, the use of shade cloth allows for plants requiring both bright light and shaded conditions. In addition, the space is sometimes used for summer research projects.
308 Nicholson Tower
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5