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Step 1 - Get the Basics

Course registration is the process of selecting and enrolling in the courses you need to satisfy the requirements for your degree. Students in most programs can build their own course schedules, selecting from courses which interest them and will meet their degree requirements.

Before you start registering for courses, you will learn about the course requirements for your program, including required first-year courses and options for first-year electives. In Step 2, you can select your courses based on the degree or diploma program into which you've been admitted.

Get Ready


You will need the following tools to help you as you prepare:

  • Academic Calendar – the definitive guide to programs and courses offered at StFX.
  • Course Timetable – the list of courses offered this year, including timeblock information.
  • Timeblock Grid (colour version) – a tool that helps you visualize the days and times of your classes.
  • Timeblock Grid (white worksheet version) – a tool that you can print and use to build your class schedule. Fill out the timeblocks for the classes you plan to take.
  • Your StFX username and password (same as your email), and your StFX Student ID and PIN to log into Banner Self-Service and MyData. These can all be found in your StFX Confirmation Letter.

    Banner Self-Service is the online platform where you will register for your courses.

    MyData is a portal for accessing your book list, student account activity, and other useful information.




Before you begin, we recommend you print these Registration Worksheets to help you stay organized. 

  • Registration worksheets include a Course Planning Sheet to record the courses that interest you, and First-Term and Second-Term Course Timeblocks Sheets to build your schedule.

Registration Worksheets


From now until June 13th

Your task: Select your courses.

  • Familiarize yourself with the course selection and registration process in the following Steps of this Guide.
  • Select the courses for your program and complete your course planning sheet. Though you cannot yet build your specific schedule, you can still choose the courses that you want to include in your registration for the coming year.
From June 13th until July 9th

Your task: Build your course schedule. 

  • With the Course Timetable (released June 13th), find your course section times and fill in your Course Timeblocks schedule for each term.
  • On July 5th, registration start times will be set for July 9th and 10th. Check your individual registration start time after noon on July 5th from the Registration menu in Banner Self-Service. (Note that prior to July 5th, all start times will be artificially set to a date in September...please ignore that date.)
  • Walk through the registration tutorial found in Step 4 of this Guide to be fully prepared for registration to begin on July 9th or 10th.
On July 9th or 10th

Your task: Register for your courses.

  • Log into Banner Self-Service and register for your courses at your earliest opportunity to ensure the best chance of getting a seat in your preferred sections. Although you can register and make changes to your schedule throughout the summer, waiting to register will restrict your course and section choices.  It is strongly recommended that you try to register as close to your assigned registration start time as possible.

Registration Help Centre

By Email Only: nsr@stfx.ca

The registration help centre will be in operation and will respond to email from June 10 through August 30.

Hours of Operation are Monday - Friday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Atlantic Time

For registration issues after August 30, please email the registrar's office: registrar@stfx.ca

Please include your full name and Student ID number in all correspondence.