Send a Child to Camp

We believe that every child should have the opportunity to attend camp. This is why X-Chem Outreach has always strived to keep camp fees low and provide bursaries to those who need the support. If you would like to contribute to our send a child to camp program, you will be helping to support children to attend our camps in Antigonish and Rural Nova Scotia!
Donations can be made to Lynn O'Donnell, National Relations Officer by phone with credit card information, via mail with a cheque made out to 'St. Francis Xavier University' with the memo stating it is for X-Chem Outreach.
Lynn O'Donnell
National Relations Officer
Development Office
St. Francis Xavier University
Box 5000 Antigonish, NS
B2G 2W5
Donations can also be made online indicating that it is for 'X-Chem Outreach'.
If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact
X-Chem Outreach.