Health Degree Requirements

Below are the requirements students will have to fulfil in order to complete a BASc in Health. The requirements typically take four years of academic study to complete. It is recommended that students consult with Academic Advising throughout their degree to ensure program requirements are met. Students are required to meet with the program coordinator or an academic advisor each year to assess their academic progress and complete a Declaration Form. All students admitted into the program are considered HLTH Majors; however, students have the option to complete a HLTH Honours (see below for more details). 

Foundation Year 

The first year comprises the following courses: 12 credits in Introductory level natural science courses (Biology and Chemistry), 12 credits in Introductory level social sciences courses (Sociology and Psychology), and 6 credits of health core courses.  

Core Courses 

Students are required to complete 24 credits of core health courses (3 credits per semester). These are courses that take an interdisciplinary lens to health topics. They will serve as an anchor point for students as they complete courses in cognate disciplines.  

Other Specific Course Requirements 

In addition to the courses outlined in the foundation year and the core courses listed below, students will be required to take STAT 101: Introductory Statistics and HLTH 203: Introduction to Health Research Methods.  


Students have the option to complete one of two concentrations based on courses taken from a designated list from various departments across the university. Current concentrations include Biomedical and Social Determinants & Health Equity. Courses in each concentration provide students with a better understanding of health, whether by dealing with the field from a specific disciplinary perspective, or by providing disciplinary skills and knowledge that can then inform one’s understanding of health.  

Specific Requirements  

100-Level Restriction 

Students may apply 100-level courses towards fulfilling the requirements of their degree outside the foundation and required courses; however, only an additional 6 credits can be applied to the Designated course requirement.   

3/400-Level Requirement 

All students taking the BASc degree must complete 12 credits of courses at the 300/400-level from the Arts or Science Designated lists – this excludes the core courses and courses used to complete the humanities requirement (see below for details).  


Honours students are required to complete the same requirements as Majors, along with the additional requirements of completing HLTH490 (Thesis, 6-credits). Additionally, students wishing to do an Honours with a BIME or SDHE concentration will be required to complete 15 credits of 300/400 level courses from the appropriate designated list.   

Arts Requirement 

Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits from the Faculty of Arts.  

Science Requirement 

Students are required to complete a minimum of 24 credits from the Faculty of Science. 12 of these credits must include a laboratory component at the 200 level or above.  

Humanities Requirement 

Recognizing StFX’s identity as a liberal arts university and the importance that the humanities hold in developing a holistic understanding of an interdisciplinary subject matter, students must complete 12 credits of Humanities, in addition to the Arts requirement mentioned above, from the Health Humanities designated course list. A minimum of 3 credits must come from a Health ethics course.  

Open Electives 

In keeping with other degree patterns at the university, students are provided with electives. BAScH Major students will benefit from a total of 36 credits over the course of their degree while BAScH Honours students will benefit from 30 credits.  

Summary Program Requirements 


Major students must complete all core, designated, and required courses, as listed below. Among the designated courses, a minimum of 12-credits at the 300/400 level must be completed. See Declaration Forms & Courses for more details. Among all courses, a minimum of 12-credits at the 200 level or above with a lab must be completed.  

Core: HLTH111/112/201/202/301/302/401/402  

24 credits  

Required: CHEM101/102, BIOL111/112, PSYC101/102, SOCI101/102, STAT101, HLTH203  

30 credits  

Designated: Arts and Science  

18 credits  

Required: Health Humanities and Ethics  

12 credits  

Open Electives  

36 credits  


Honours students must complete the same courses as Major along with the addition of HLTH490 (Thesis). See Declaration Forms & Courses for more details.  

Core: HLTH111/112/201/202/301/302/401/402/490  

30 credits  

Required: CHEM101/102, BIOL111/112, PSYC101/102, SOCI101/102, STAT101, HLTH203  

30 credits  

Designated: Arts and Science  

18 credits  

Required: Health Humanities and Ethics  

12 credits  

Open Electives  

30 credits  




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