Declaration Forms & Courses

Students are required to fill out a declaration form each year and submit it to the Coordinator for approval. Questions regarding the form, the designated lists, or anything else relating to courses can be directed to the Coordinator or Academic Advising ( As a reminder, details on the new concentration will be released later this year. 

The declaration forms for the new degree structure can be found below. Only students admitted into the 2020-21 cohort and later should use these forms.

The declaration forms for the original degree structure can be found below. Only students admitted into the 2020-21 cohort and earlier should use these forms.

Designated Course List

Students are required to complete courses across 4 designated lists: Art (ART, formerly SDHE), Science (SCI, formerly BIME), Health Humanities (HUM), and Health Ethics (ETH). The designated lists can be found in the Academic Calendar and as a downloadable Excel file. The Excel file is recommended because it is updated more regularly than the Academic Calendar and allows filtering by Designated List, Subject, Course level, and whether there is a lab component.

Important Notes

  • Courses on the designated list will change each year as new courses are added or removed.
  • Courses may not be available each year due to staffing availability.
  • Courses may have limited spaces and/or program restrictions or priority registration. 
  • The Comments section highlights any concerns regarding a specific course. These comments are not exhaustive and the program will update this section when new information becomes available.



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2323 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5