Back to Fall  Lab Schedule

First Term  2024-25 

Monday 2:30-5:15 Lab (NFSC 2010)
SEPT 9Check In, Lab Manuals, Safety Talk
SEPT 16The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen                                                                                                                                       
SEPT 23Qualitative Analysis: Group II Cations
SEPT 30No Lab - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
OCT 7Qualitative Analysis: Group III Cations
OCT 14No Lab - Thanksgiving Day 
OCT 21Qualitative Analysis: Group III Cations (continued)
OCT 28Qualitative Analysis: Group IV Cations
NOV 4Preparation of Potassium Trioxalatoaluminate
NOV 11No Lab - Remembrance Day 
NOV 18Preparation of Lead Compounds
NOV 25Positive Oxidation States of Iodine