StFX Safety Programs

StFX Safety Programs

StFX Safety Programs are developed for critical or complicated tasks that contain clearly defined and detailed processes and requirements, including (but not limited to) training, competency verification, responsibilities, forms, etc. Most critical tasks require a program in the workplace to control identified hazards to help ensure employee safety. Employees must be trained in and follow all Programs that pertain to them. The requirement for Safety Programs is identified through the continuous and comprehensive hazard assessment processes and are reviewed by a JOHSC. All Safety Programs will be developed with input from the employees who do the work. They know the hazards best!

*Contractors note that permission is required from your StFX authorized representative prior to doing Safety Absolute or Hot Work tasks. 

Follow the links below to access current StFX Safety Programs, including forms, hazard assessments and permits 

Safety Absolutes

The Four Safety Absolutes are the safety rules that the University has determined to be of utmost priority. Failure to follow these rules may create a greater risk of injury to our employees, contractors, students, faculty and the public and may be subject to severe penalties. StFX management must demonstrate zero tolerance for any willful disregard of these Safety Absolutes by our employees or contractors.  StFX employees and contractor employees who violate any safety rules including the Four Safety Absolutes are subject to immediate disciplinary action including and up to immediate removal from the jobsite.

The four safety programs that StFX has identified as Safety Absolutes are:

Confined Space Entry
Energy Isolation
Fall Protection
Trenching & Excavation

Other Safety Programs

Ammonia Exposure Control Plan
Asbestos Management
Body Substance Isolation and Substance Control


Chemical Fume Hoods


Compressed Gases


Electrical Safety
Emergency Showers and Eyewash
Hearing Loss Prevention
Hot Work

Hot Work Operations Program
Hot Work Permit (updated July 15, 2022)

Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs)

MEWP Program   
One Man Lift Inspection Checklist

ONLY persons listed on the Designated Competent Operators List are authorized to operate StFX-owned MEWPs

Designated Competent Operators List updated Dec 1/21 

Mould Prevention, Assessment and Remediation
Respiratory Protection
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)



Occupational Health and Safety

212 Safety & Security Building
5005 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5