The Research Advisory Committee advises on University policy and practices related to research as follows:
- Acts as an advisory board for the Associate Vice-President Research and Graduate Studies, including but not limited to advice on evaluation of progress in research and celebration of research
- Develops and supports policies and programs that encourage research by St. Francis Xavier University faculty, as well as by graduate and undergraduate students.
- Provides review and/or decisions on allocation internal student and faculty research funds as required by the Associate Vice President, Research and Graduate Studies or the Academic Vice President and Provost.
- Reviews, advises and makes recommendations to the appropriate academic committees (General faculty, AP&P, Senate, etc.)
- Advises and makes recommendations on research matters referred to the Committee by Senate
- Advises on University Services and overhead in support of research
- Advises on outward policies of the University regarding research, particularly the Strategic Research Plan
- Reviews and advises on the creation of new Research Centres and Institutes, and the appointment of Directors of these
- Advises on the disbursement of Research Chairs
- Advises on strategies to attain objectives and maximize funding
- Reviews and advises on effective communication and dissemination internally and externally about research at StFX, including but not limited to the Research Website.
Nicholson Tower - 7th Floor
2329 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5