Degree requirements for students who entered the BSc HNU in September 2023 or earlier
The B.Sc. in Human Nutrition is an applied science program which integrates core requirements in foods, nutrition and related areas with studies in biology, chemistry, statistics, business, humanities and social sciences. BSc HNU students may select the professional dietetic pathway in year 2 and apply for the Integrated Dietetic Internship (IDI) program in year 3. The combined BSc HNU and IDI program is an accredited dietetic education program that was recognized by the Partnership for Dietetic Education and Practice (PDEP) from 2010 - 2026. The internship program integrates academic and experiential learning which enables student's eligibility to write the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam (CDRE) and registration with a provincial dietetics regulatory body to practice as a Registered Dietitian.
Students with broader interests in food and nutrition can tailor their course selection toward one of the many career paths described below (e.g. education, pre-medical, other health professions, entrepreneurship, kinesiology).
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
The normal sequence for the program is shown below.
- Year 1 HNU 142,145; BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; 6 credits ARTS X; 6 credits ARTS Y
- Year 2 HNU 146, 242, 262; BIOL 251, 252; CHEM 225, 255; STAT 101, BSAD 112; 3 credits open electives
- Year 3 HNU 351, 365, 384; 12 credits HNU electives; 3 credits open electives; 6 credits ARTS X (12 credit total)
- Year 4 HNU 405, 475; 12 credits HNU electives; 12 credits open electives
- Click on BSc HNU to view the general course advising sheet.
Food & Nutrition Pathways
The BSc HNU degree offers 24 credits in HNU electives and 18 credits in open electives to enable students to broaden their education and pursue alternative (non-dietetic) career options. Make an appointment with the HNU Chair to discuss course selections relevant to pre-med studies, other health professions and food entrepreneurship.
We offer pathways in pre-education, a 5th-year BSc Kinesiology, and a 5th-year BBA Entrepreneurship double degree.
Click here for the: Pre-education checklist
Click here for the: 5th year BSc Kinesiology
Click here for the: 5th year BBA Entrepreneurship
Students can apply to the Advanced Major and Honours degree programs as early as the second year. HNU Program Declaration Forms: click here. March 31 is the deadline for submission to the HNU Chair.
Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition with Integrated Dietetic Internship Degree
The normal sequence for the program is shown below.
- Year 1 HNU 142,145; BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; 6 credits ARTS X; 6 credits ARTS Y
- Year 2 HNU 146, 225, 242, 262; BIOL 251, 252; CHEM 225, 255; STAT 101; BSAD 102;
- Year 3 HNU 351, 355 (352), 356, 365, 384, 485; 6 credits ARTS X (12 credit total); 6 credits open electives
- Year 4 HNU 405, 452, 456, 475; 6 credits HNU electives; 12 credits open electives
Find the advising sheet here: BSc HNU Dietetics Advising Sheet
For more information on the Integrated Dietetic Internship (IDI) program CLICK HERE.
Application to the IDI program: Students must have an overall average of 70 in the HNU degree, a minimum overall average of 75 in HNU courses, a minimum grade of 65 in each of HNU 351, 355(352) and 452 and satisfy the criteria for acceptance. Students must normally declare their intent to apply for the StFX Dietetic Internship Program by the end of their second year (at the earliest). Formal submission of the full application can be made by January 31, of the third or final year. For IDI, the BSc HNU dietetics pathway is followed by three 14-week practicum courses HNU 481, HNU 482, and HNU 483 (18 credits) and a practice-based research component. Practicum may start as early as May of year 3. Upon completion of IDI, the student’s BSc Human Nutrition degree is converted to a BSc Human Nutrition with Honours and Integrated Dietetic Internship (IDI), in recognition of the practice-based research conducted. Successful completion of IDI enables students to attain professional competencies for entry-level dietetic practice.
B.Sc. in Human Nutrition with Advanced Major
The normal sequence for the advanced major program is identical to that of the program above, with the addition of HNU 491 in year 4.
B.Sc. in Human Nutrition with Honours
The normal sequence for the honours program is shown below.
- Year 1 HNU 142,145; BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101,102; 6 credits ARTS X; 6 credits ARTS Y
- Year 2 HNU 146, 242, 262; BIOL 251, 252; CHEM 225, 255; STAT 101, BSAD 112; 3 credits open electives
- Year 3 HNU 351, 365, 384; 485; 9 credits HNU electives; 3 credits open electives; 6 credits ARTS X (12 credit total)
- Year 4 HNU 405, 475; 490, 491, 12 credits HNU electives (minimum 18 credits at the 300-level or higher); 6 credits open electives
For guidelines associated with the Honours program, click here.
To see previous HNU student honours projects, click here.
Degree requirements for students who entered the BSc HNU in September 2024 or later
The B.Sc. in Human Nutrition is an applied science program which integrates core requirements in foods, nutrition and related areas with studies in biology, chemistry, statistics, business, humanities and social sciences. BSc HNU students may select from four different Concentrations and/or include a Minor in an Arts or Science subject after year 2. This flexibility allows student to prepare for a variety of careers in dietetics, health care, education, the food industry and more. The Concentration and/or Minor is recognized on your official transcript.
BSc Human Nutrition, Concentration: Dietetics
StFX has a professional dietetics concentration and integrated dietetic internship (IDI) training program to produce much-needed allied healthcare workers to meet growing healthcare needs. Dietitians work in community nutrition, public health, sport dietetics, private practice, food service management, or provide nutrition care in acute, primary and long-term care settings. New roles continue to expand such as in emergency rooms, public schools, and libraries. Dietitians from under-represented communities are especially needed to meet workforce demands.
The BSc HNU Dietetics Concentration, along with IDI, is a nationally accredited dietetic program (currently registered with EQual Accreditation Canada). Students must follow this Concentration to qualify for entry into our integrated dietetic program or any other post-graduate dietetic training in Canada.
Concentration in Dietetics Course Sequence
Year 1 BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; HNU 142, 145; 12 credits arts electives - 6 in each of two subjects
Year 2 BIOL 251, 252; BSAD 112; CHEM 221, 255; HNU 146(245), 225, 242, 262; STAT 101
Year 3 HNU 351, 355, 356, 365, 384, 485; 6 credits arts electives for a pair; 6 credits open electives
Year 4 HNU 405, 452, 456, 475; 6 credits HNU electives; 12 credits open electives
Apply for our Integrated Dietetic Internship (IDI) in year 3 and complete a 42-week practicum program. The IDI prepares students for the Canadian Dietetic Registration Exam (CDRE) and allows them to register with a provincial dietetics regulatory body to practice as a Registered Dietitian. Graduates receive a BSc Human Nutrition (Concentration Dietetics), Honours Conversion upon completion of IDI. Practicum placements are coordinated by our Dietetic Educators.
BSc Human Nutrition, Concentration: Health Sciences
Nutrition is an excellent preparatory degree for medicine, pharmacy, dentistry and the allied health professions (e.g. speech language pathology). Learn clinical, communication and professional skills in an applied science degree that will transfer to your health career, while developing expertise in the foundational role of nutrition in health and disease. Depending on the course requirements for your desired post-graduate health program, you may also consider a minor in chemistry, biology, psychology, or other subject.
Concentration in Health Sciences Course Sequence
Year 1 BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; HNU 142, 145; 12 credits arts electives - 6 in each of two subjects
Year 2 BIOL 251, 252; BSAD 112; CHEM 221, 255; HNU 146(245), 225, 242, 262; STAT 101
Year 3 HNU 351, 355, 365, 384, 485; PHIL 335; 6 credits open electives; 6 credits arts electives for a pair
Year 4 HNU 405, 452, 475; 3 credits HNU electives; 18 credits open electives
Note: This Concentration does not prepare students for entry into our integrated dietetic program or any other post-graduate dietetic training in Canada. Follow the Dietetics Concentration for this career path.
BSc Human Nutrition, Concentration: Food Entrepreneurship
Prepare for a career in the food industry (food product development & evaluation, food safety) or start your own food or health-related business. Coop Education is available to enhance your degree and gain valuable work experience. Apply for a funded summer internship to prepare your food business or idea to launch. Or consider the 5-year 2-degree BBA program in Entrepreneurship to obtain two distinct credentials.
Concentration in Food Entrepreneurship Course Sequence
Year 1 BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; HNU 142, 145; 12 credits arts electives - 6 in each of two subjects
Year 2 BIOL 251, 252; BSAD 112; CHEM 221, 255; HNU 146(245), 225, 242, 262; STAT 101
Year 3 BSAD 356/HNU 471, HNU 328, 365, 384, 445; 6 credits arts electives for a pair; 9 credits open electives
Year 4 HNU 351, 405, 475; BSAD 458; 3 credits HNU electives or BSAD 352; 15 credits open electives
Note: This Concentration does not prepare students for entry into our integrated dietetic program or any other post-graduate dietetic training in Canada. Follow the Dietetics Concentration for this career path.
BSc Human Nutrition, Concentration: Food & Society
Study food and health from diverse perspectives in science, social science, food & health policy, and climate & the environment. Explore topics in food culture, agriculture, food systems, sustainability, ethics, global health and more. This concentration emphasizes the social sciences, environmental impacts of food, and multi-disciplinary learning and does not follow the usual second-year course sequence. Graduates may pursue graduate studies (e.g. Law school, food studies), education and health promotion careers.
Concentration in Food & Society Course Sequence
Year 1 BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; HNU 142, 145; 12 credits arts electives - 6 in each of two subjects
Year 2 BSAD 112; CLEN 101, 102; HNU 146(245), 242, 225, 2XX, STAT 101, 6 credits open electives
Year 3 CLEN 201/202, HNU 365, 384, 421, 6 credits arts electives for a pair; 9 credits designated
Year 4 HNU 405, 433, 475; 3 credits designated, 18 credits open electives
Note: This Concentration does not prepare students for entry into our integrated dietetic program or any other post-graduate dietetic training in Canada. Follow the Dietetics Concentration for this career path.
Minor in Arts or Science
Students do not need to declare a Concentration. Course schedule for BSc HNU No Concentration
The new BSc HNU degree structure allows for greater flexibility and the option to complete a 24-credit Minor in an Arts or Science subject of your choice (e.g. Sociology, Psychology, Chemistry, Biology, Development Studies). This flexibility will help you to prepare for Education (Elementary or Secondary Family Studies) and other professional careers. Note that education entry is also compatible with all concentrations.
Minor in Arts Course Schedule
Minor in Science Course Schedule
Pre-Education Checklist
Double Degree Programs (in 5 years)
5th year BSc Human Kinetics
Planning a career in sport nutrition, physiotherapy, or a related field? All HNU concentrations (except Food & Society) are compatible with a 5th year BSc Human Kinetics degree.
B.Sc. HNU students who wish to pursue a degree in human kinetics should complete the normal sequence of their HNU program and be sure to include BIOL 112 and 3 credits of HKIN electives. In year 5, students will complete a HKIN degree with the following courses: HKIN 136, 215, 265, 376; 6 credits of skills, and 2 of HKIN 253, 264, 332, 352, 354, 431, 443, 455; 6 credits of HKIN electives. Students must submit re-entry application.
BSc in Human Kinetics checklist for BSc HNU students
5th year BBA Entrepreneurship
This five-year, two-degree program is for B.Sc. HNU students interested in alternative career paths who wish to pursue a degree in business with a focus on entrepreneurship should follow the course pattern below. The double degree option will prepare Nutrition students to work within the food industry (product development and evaluation, food safety, etc.), marketing, or consumer affairs with various employers including their own start-ups, industry, not-for-profits and other related areas of practice. From the development of new plant-based food products, to eco-friendly packaging and emergency preparedness initiatives, food and health-related businesses remain among the most popular start-ups in Canada. To complete both degrees in five years the recommended course pattern involves:
Year 1 HNU 142, 145; BIOL 111, 215; CHEM 101, 102; 6 credits Arts X; ECON 101, 102
Year 2 HNU 245 (146), 225, 242, 262; STAT 101; BIOL 251, 252; CHEM 225, 255; BSAD 112
Year 3 HNU 328, 351, 365, 384; BSAD 111, MATH 105; 6 credits Arts X; 3 credits HNU electives; 3 credits open electives
Year 4 HNU 405, 475, 471, 445; BSAD 221, 223, 261, 231, 281, 241
Year 5 BSAD 332, 352, 453, 456, 458, 471; 3 credits BSAD entrepreneurship elective; 6 credits BSAD electives; 3 credits open electives
BSc in Human Nutrition with Advanced Major
The normal sequence for the advanced major program is identical to that of the programs above, with the addition of HNU 491 in year 4. The advanced major is compatible with any BSc HNU Concentration or Minor. It involves a critical study, written paper, and presentation of current research in areas related to human nutrition.
BSc in Human Nutrition with Honours
The honours degree is a full-year program of original research in nutrition, conducted with a faculty member. An acceptable thesis based on original research must be submitted by the deadline to satisfy department requirements for a B.Sc. HNU honours degree. The Honours program is compatible with any BSc HNU Concentration or Minor. Students must take HNU 485 in year three. The honours thesis (HNU 490, 6 credits) replaces 6 credits of open electives. Course sequence forms for the general degree and Concentrations are available below.
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours, Dietetics Concentration
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours, Health Sciences Concentration
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours, Food Entrepreneurship Concentration
BSc Human Nutrition with Honours, Food & Society Concentration
208 J. Bruce Brown Hall
2320 Notre Dame Avenue
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5