Field Policies

Field readiness and field issues
The pre-conditions for field placement are:
- Satisfactory course attendance: As per Class Attendance and Withdrawal Policy University Calendar. Any course absence must be reported to the instructor as outlined in the syllabus.
- Completed coursework: All course work must be satisfactorily completed before a student will be permitted to enter field placement.
- Professional and pedagogical readiness: Professional readiness as described in the Nova Scotia Teachers’ Union Code of Ethics; and pedagogical readiness as indicated by successful completion of all course work and full participation in and punctuality for all BEd classes.
- Updated Vulnerable Sector Check and Child Abuse Registry Letter.
- During the field experience period, pre-service teachers are expected to be present each day that school is in session, including days in which students are not present (e.g. professional development days). Normally, absences of more than 3 days must be made up and the only acceptable reasons for absences are illness and those recognized as “Days Claimed” in the Nova Scotia Governor in Council Education Act Regulations (Immediate family of a teacher for purposes of this regulation shall include spouse, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, and son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law.)
- At the beginning of the academic year all varsity athletes must discuss their team schedule with the Chair and the Field Coordinator of the BEd program. Members of varsity sports teams are to notify Associate Teachers, School Administration, Faculty Advisor(s), the Field Coordinator and the Chair of the BEd program of any absences from field necessitated by team schedules. Athletes who miss more than two days from field may be required to make up this teaching time.
- Year Two students receiving X-rings are permitted to be absent from field on December 3rd in order to participate in X-ring ceremonies. Year Two students receiving X-rings may request one additional day for travelling from the X-ring ceremony. Such requests must be approved by the BEd Chair. This day must be made up by teaching an additional day at the earliest opportunity following the normal term for field experience.
- If pre-service teachers must be absent from school for the any reasons, they are expected to inform (in advance) the school administration, Associate Teacher, Faculty Advisor and Field Coordinator. If a pre-service teacher is deemed to have unsatisfactory attendance he/she/they may receive a failure for field experience and therefore will be suspended as per Faculty of Education Regulations in the St. F.X. University Calendar. Attendance issues will be forwarded to the BEd Discipline Committee. Field experience does not conclude until the completion of the last teaching day of the practicum.
Teacher Education Department
281 Xavier Hall
4545 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5