Practicum and Field FAQ

1. How long is practicum?
Practicum is a total of twenty-two weeks duration over two years; eleven weeks each year. Each year students complete five and a half weeks in the fall placement in November and December; and five and a half weeks in the winter session in March and April.
2. When do I find out where I will be practice teaching?
Normally students receive their practicum placements by the third week of October.
3. May I contact the teacher and the school once I am informed of my practicum placement?
Yes, students are encouraged to contact their associate teachers and the schools after they are informed of their placements.
4. Where can I do my practicum?
Students may return to their home community to complete their practicum or they may practice teach in schools within the St. FX catchment area (within one hour from St FX).
5. Can I remain in the same school for both the first year and the second year?
Students are normally placed in a different school for each year.
6. Do I arrange my practicum myself?
The Field Coordinator will make all necessary arrangements and contacts for field placements. Students are not to contact teachers, schools, or principals to arrange practicum placements.
7. How do I get a vulnerable sector check?
Vulnerable Sector Checks are to be obtained at a police detachment. You will require a letter from the BEd department, please contact the administrative assistant. There may be a fee required which you are responsible for. VSC's are not accepted by schools if older than 6 months. Since practicum starts in November, we recommend starting the process July/August. Please note, this must be a Vulnerable Sector Check and not just a Criminal Record Check. This is especially important for anyone using an online service. We require the original check from the police, copies not accepted.
8.How do I get a child abuse registry check completed?
An online request can be made for this letter. ( We require the original letter from the Department of Community Services, copies not accepted.
9. How will I travel to the assigned school?
Students will need to make their own arrangements to get to their placements.
10. What happens if I miss a day of practicum?
During the field experience period, pre-service teachers are expected to be present each day that school is in session, including days in which students are not present (e.g. professional development days). If pre-service teachers must be absent from school for the any reasons, they are expected to inform (in advance) the school administration, Associate Teacher, Faculty Advisor, and Field Coordinator. Students may be required to make up missed days. See Field Policies on attendance for more information.
281 Xavier Hall
4545 Alumni Crescent
Antigonish NS B2G 2W5