Past Announcements

ATTENTION: Welcome Days Parking

To ALL StFX Employees (Faculty & Staff):  

Welcome Days for new and returning students take place tomorrow, Friday, September 1st, 2023, and Monday, September 4th, 2023, respectively. The University is expecting over 1000 families to be on campus throughout both Welcome Days.   

As a reminder, parking on campus on those days will be limited. In addition, Parking Area P14, the parking area near Bishops, P9 and P10 (near Keating Centre) will be closed on Friday, September 1st, 2023, and Monday, September 4th, 2023.

If you are able to walk or car pool on Friday, September 1st, 2023, and/or Monday, September 4th, 2023, it would greatly help reduce the number of vehicles on campus.  

If you need to take a vehicle to campus, parking will be available in P2 (close to JBB), P12 (42 West Street) and on University property across the highway at P17 (the #7 garage. PLEASE be aware of construction in this area). 

Please pass this information to anyone in your department who may not have a StFX account or who may not regularly check their emails.  

Thank you for your cooperation and attention to this matter.  

Please contact Safety & Security Services if you have any questions.  

email or call 902-867-4444.  

Festival Antigonish Final Show this season is a Fun rollicking good time!!

Good day from Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre. Yes, there is still summer left to enjoy in Antigonish and at The Bauer Theatre on campus, Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre is hoping that you will join us in celebrating summer with our final show, Murder for Two.

Directed by our longtime friend and Neptune Theatre's Artistic Director, Jeremy Webb, Murder for Two is an amazing Co-Production with Neptune Theatre. It is sure to make you laugh, gasp and tap your feet.  It's not often you get a murder mystery musical that is this zany.

All shows are 7:30 pm unless noted

Friday August 11        Pay what you can preview 

Saturday August 12      Opening Night   

Sunday August 13       

Tuesday August 15 to Saturday Aug 19   
Saturday August 19      2:00pm and 7:30pm

Sunday August 20 

Tuesday August 22 to Saturday August 26

Saturday August 26      2:00pm and 7:30pm

Murder for Two by Kellen Blair and Joe Kinosian August 11- 26

Officer Marcus Moscowicz is a small-town police officer with dreams of making it to detective. One fateful night, shots ring out at a surprise birthday party and the Great American Novelist Arthur Whitney is killed…fatally. Marcus jumps at the chance to prove his sleuthing skills. But whodunit? Dahlia Whitney, Arthur’s scene-stealing wife? Barrette Lewis, the prima ballerina? Dr. Griff, the overly friendly psychiatrist? Some other peculiar party guest? Two performers play 13 roles — and the piano — in a witty homage to old-fashioned murder mysteries.    

Fun Facts:   

This is a Co-Production with Neptune Theatre 
Directed by Jeremy Webb 
Assistant Director Matt Lacas 
Actors Scott Pietrangelo and Jackson Seib 

Please join us and be amazed, or at least relax and enjoy the theatre for a few hours before the term starts

Patrick McKenna (he/him)

Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre & Theatre Antigonish
5015 Chapel Square, StFX Campus B2G 2W5
Office 202 | (902) 867 3954
Cell | (250) 465 1994

Our theatre is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq people. We are grateful to live and work in these beautiful lands.

Updates from the TLC August 2023

TLC Committee
The Teaching and Learning Committee continues to grow in a grassroots manner, we have recently added Alison Tucker from the Faculty of Education to our group, and Bobbi Morrison to from the School of Business. Along with Shafik Nanji, Matea Drljepan, Jeannie Cameron, Erin Austen, and Kaitlyn Fuller we continue to strategize ways to share information with the faculty and think through the long-term vision for the Centre. As always, more are welcome to join and if you would like to get involved, please reach out.

We are currently working on a survey for faculty, with hopes of getting some additional direction on areas of focus and where you would like us to head. More soon.

Faculty Development Opportunities 
In the previous month, Matea Drljepan successfully held the inaugural Friday Learning Circle, focusing on the fascinating subject of ChatGPT and AI. Drs. Milton King and James Hughes, with librarian Margaret Vail acted as our StFX AI experts. Enjoying a casual conversation over refreshments, the event fostered an atmosphere of knowledge sharing and camaraderie, allowing 15 faculty and staff members to engage in thought-provoking discussions about the profound implications of AI in the academic realm, particularly in shaping assignments, learning objectives, and university policies.

Matea also hosted an enlightening Accessibility Bootcamp, attended by seven faculty members. This specialized session empowered them with valuable insights into making their Moodle classes more accessible, catering to the diverse needs of all learners.

Gearing up for the Academic Year 
From Monday August 21st to Friday August 25th please join the Teaching and Learning Centre for an immersive week of class preparation with your host Matea Drljepan – Academic Technologist and member of the StFX Online Team. Matea will be hosting sessions in the Teaching and Learning Classroom (MULH 3032) all week. RSVPing to sessions is not necessary except for the Kairos Blanket exercise and the Learning Circle.

Monday, August 21st
Moodle Retreat 
Time: 9 am – noon; Learner Level: Beginner.
Distractions down and phones off, it’s time to get those courses ready! Designed for new Moodle users, this retreat will assist individuals with simple Moodle tasks such as uploading course materials, virtual classes, creating simple gradebooks and uploading assignments.

Accessibility Bootcamp
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm:       
Learner Level: All Levels.
Accessibility bootcamp (Prior to attending, it is encouraged that you complete Moodle Academy’s FREE Introduction to Accessibility and Accessible Teaching Basics courses). This event will cover:
What makes a class accessible? Using the Brickfield Labs plugin. Making your course syllabus accessible. Using Microsoft Edge’s Immersive Reader.

Virtual Office Hours
Time: 3 pm – 4 pm; Learner Level: All Levels
Online office hours (click the link to join) brought to you by members of the StFX Online team.

Tuesday, August 22nd
Syllabus Revamp
Time: 9 am – 11 am
Learner Level: All Levels.
Join our interactive workshop on syllabus revamp and elevate your teaching to new heights! Designed for educators at all levels, this engaging session will guide you through the process of refreshing your syllabi to enhance student engagement, accessibility, and clearly outline course objectives.

Virtual Office Hours 
Time: 11 am – noon
Learner Level: All Levels.
Online office hours (click the link to join) brought to you by members of the StFX Online team.

Kairos Blanket Exercise 
Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Learner Level: All Levels.
Facilitated by Terena Francis and Joanne Tompkins. The Kairos Blanket Exercise is an interactive exercise to learn about the history of Indigenous rights.

Wednesday, August 23rd
Moodle Quizzing​​​​​​​
Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Learner Level: Beginner – Intermediate.
Learn how to setup small, simple Moodle quizzes to evaluate student work throughout your course.

Staff and Faculty: Leveraging Microsoft 365 ​​​​​​​
Time 1 pm – 4 pm
Learner Level: All Levels.
This session is open for administrative staff and faculty who wish to run their departments more efficiently and effectively using Microsoft Teams. Learn to leverage the power to Microsoft Teams, Tasks, and Planner to better communicate across your organization.

Thursday, August 24th
Moodle Retreat
9 am – noon
Learner Level: Intermediate - Expert.
Distractions down and phones off, it’s time to get those courses ready! Designed for expert Moodle users (users with 5+ years of experience), this retreat will assist individuals with complex Moodle tasks such as setting up quizzes and questions banks (including quizzes with arithmetic) and using rubrics.

Syllabus Revamp
Time 1 pm – 3 pm
Learner Level: All Levels.
Join our interactive workshop on syllabus revamp and elevate your teaching to new heights! Designed for educators at all levels, this engaging session will guide you through the process of refreshing your syllabi to enhance student engagement, accessibility, and clearly outline course objectives.

Virtual Office Hours
Time: 3 pm – 4 pm
Learner Level: All Levels.
Online office hours (click the link to join) brought to you by members of the StFX Online team.

Friday, August 25th
Virtual Office Hours 
Time: 9 am – 10 am
Learner Level: All Levels.
Online office hours (click the link to join) brought to you by members of the StFX Online team.

ChatGPT and AI Learning Circle Talk 
Time: 10 am – 11:30 am
Learner Level: All Levels.
A continuation of a conversation held in July 2023. This learning circle will be held on the 8th floor of Nicholson Tower. Participants are encouraged to test out ChatGPT prior to the learning circle. An informative talk presented to the Council of Atlantic Academic Libraries by Margaret Vail can assist those new to ChatGPT.

Gradebook Setup
Time: 1 pm – 4 pm
Learner Level: Beginner – Intermediate.
Learn how to create simple and easy to understand gradebooks.

See you back on campus soon,

With gratitude,
The Teaching and Learning Committee
​​​​​​​Jack, Matea, Erin, Bobbi, Allison, Shafik, Jeannie, Kaitlyn

Learning Circle Talks - August 11th, 18th, 25th

To all faculty, teaching, and support staff,

There are three learning circles scheduled for August. They will take place on the 8th Floor of Nicholson Tower.

Friday, August 11th at 1 – 2 pm. The theme of this chat will be “Engaging Learners in Large Classes (50 or more students)”. We will share what we’ve experienced and how we plan on tackling engagement and meeting learning outcomes this academic year. For this talk, I will be joined by Regina Cozzi and Dr. Russell Wyeth from the Biology Department. This is a casual, inviting talk that aims to bring together all members of the StFX teaching community so don’t be shy – all are welcome to attend.

Friday, August 18th at 10 – 11 am. The theme of this chat will be “Bringing the 5R’s of respect, reciprocity, relevance, responsibility, and relationships of Indigenous learning into the classroom.”

Feel free to come with your curiosity, questions, and answers! For this talk, I will be joined by Dr. L. Jane McMillan.

Friday, August 25th at 10 – 11:30 am. The theme of this chat will be “ChatGPT and AI”. Feel free to come with arguments, concerns (is AI art?), or even a few stories! We will share what we’ve experienced, heard, and maybe learn how we can leverage ChatGPT (and similar AI products) in the classroom and workspace.

Please send me an email ( if you’d like to attend so that I can arrange the space effectively.

MATEA DRLJEPAN, BSc, MSc, PhD (she/her)
St. Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia · Canada

Rankin School of Nursing 1st Floor

Please be advised that on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, at 5:00 pm the Rankin School of Nursing 1st floor & elevator access will be restricted to allow Custodial Services to refinish the corridor flooring. Regular access will resume Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Signage will be posted at access points.

Questions or concerns can be forwarded to Pierre Venedam @ or by calling custodial services at x 5552

Facilities Management regrets any inconvenience this may cause.

Immersion Service Learning Leaders for 2023-24


A logo of people in a circle

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Immersion Service Learning (ISL) Program Description

ISL is an intense experiential learning opportunity that fosters exploration of classroom theories in real-world situations.  While immersed in diverse communities in Canada and abroad, ISL groups meet with local leaders, visit sites of historic and political importance, participate in education sessions, and get hands-on service experience alongside local organizations and community members. Faculty leaders guide and facilitate reflection activities that encourage students to relate their experiences to global and social justice issues and think about service in a structured educational way through broader concepts like sustainability.  Experiences are developed in collaboration with destination hosts to be reciprocal and mutually beneficial. 

Immersion Service Learning Leader Position

Faculty and instructors employed at STFX for the upcoming academic year, are eligible to participate in the Immersion Service Learning Program as an Immersion Leader. In this role, you commit to participate fully in the program as outlined and prepare to travel during reading week or at the end of the term in April, depending on the destination. In return for this commitment, travel costs and experience fees for Immersion Leaders are covered by the Service Learning program (i.e., not funded by student participation fees). 

Expression of Interest

A list of Immersion Leader opportunities and role specifics can be found in the attached appendix.

For further information, or to express interest in participating in ISL, contact Service Learning Program Manager, Megan Turner by August 18th, 2023.

Please include your name, department, and position. Indicate the destination(s) you would prefer, and briefly explain your interest in ISL and the destination.

Register Now to Attend the 2023 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium!
Poster for the 2023 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium.

The 2023 Nova Scotia Career and Employment Student Symposium will be held virtually August 15 to 16 - register now to attend!

Hosted by the Centre for Employment Innovation, the symposium will consist of presentations from post-secondary student interns from across Nova Scotia, highlighting research and emerging best practices related to career development, employment, and labour.  

The topics of presentation include:  

  • Inclusive Workplaces and Employment  
  • Inclusive Education and Institutions  
  • Youth Engagement  
  • Community-Led Development 

There is no cost to attend the event.  For full presentation details, please visit: 

Notice: Flag Plaza Lighting

Please be advised that the exterior lighting at Flag Plaza (flag pole lighting) will not be functional beginning today (August 4th) with an anticipated restoration date of August 11th, 2023.

Facilities Management regrets any inconvenience this may cause.

Staff & Faculty Parking Passes Available

Good afternoon,

Please find below the link to the form to purchase a Single Day Pass, Daytime Parking Pass or a Daytime Parking Pass through Payroll Deduction for the 2023/2024 Academic year. To complete the form, you will need

  • your employee number
  • the make, model and year of your vehicle (s)
  • the license plate number(s).

There is an option for you to add a second vehicle so you can transfer your pass between your vehicles. You will receive a confirmation once you have completed the online process.

If you choose Single-Day Parking or Daytime Parking without Payroll Deduction, you will be required to pay the fee at the time of your order. If you wish to wait until you arrive on campus and pay in person, you may do so. You will still be required to complete the information above, when you arrive at the Keating Centre.

The system will not allow you to checkout without completing the form with this information. It is important the details are correct as Security will be matching the tags with the information you have provided when checking the lots during the year. Incorrect information could lead to a ticket or even having the vehicle towed.

Please note, if you choose the Payroll Deduction option, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the payroll deduction form.  Please print this form, fill it out and bring to the Keating Centre Box Office when you are picking up your tag. Below is what you are looking for.

This e-mail is to confirm that transaction 7418187 has been processed.  Please note that this is a confirmation email and is not a valid ticket.

1 ticket(s) for STAFF | Daytime Parking Pass 2023/2024 - PAYROLL DEDUCTION OPTION StFX University Campus Parking
Valid from September 1, 2023 - August 31, 2024 - Antigonish, NS)



Service charge








You have selected a Payroll Deduction Option for your yearly Daytime Parking Pass.
Please make sure to print and fill out the form HERE and exchange it for your parking pass at the box office.

Pick up your passes at the Keating Centre box office with your confirmation email and a piece of identification.
Passes can be picked up 24 hours after purchase.

Thank you!





Pay up front - Parking:

Payroll Deduction Link:

Thank you

StFX Risk Management and Security and StFX Ancillary Services

Temporary Road Closure - Martha Drive

Please be advised that Martha Drive (Between Morrison Hall and the Library) will now be closed Thursday, August 10, 2023, between 8:00am and 10:00am.

This closure is necessary for crane setup and the installation of the new Chiller Units at the Library and associate equipment.

Please be advised there is still access on the front side of Morrison Hall for vehicle traffic. Pedestrians are asked to not use the Martha Drive sidewalk and cross walk areas.

Please reach out to the Project Office ( with any questions or concerns. Facilities Management regrets any inconvenience that this may cause.

Thank you,
Facilities Management

Nasso Family Science Centre 1st Floor

Please be advised that on Wednesday, August 9 at 5:00 pm the Nasso Family Science Centre 1st floor, access will be restricted to allow Custodial Services to refinish the corridor flooring. Regular access will resume Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Signage will be posted at access points.

Questions or concerns can be forwarded to Pierre Venedam @ or by calling custodial services at x 5552

Facilities Management regrets any inconvenience this may cause.

Introducing Announcements!

Announcements are a new tool to keep the StFX community updated about things taking place on campus, including new programs and initiatives, road closures, and service interruptions - to name a few.

Over time, we hope the Announcements tool will help reduce our dependency on campus-wide email as the main way of keeping each other informed and in the loop. 

StFX Launches a New Website

On Thursday, August 3, our new website will go live! The URL will be

Stay tuned for more information, and email if you have any questions. 

How to Update Your Web Content

This week, StFX's marketing and communications team will share updated information with department content editors or how to make changes to web content. We'll also share detail about new governance processes meant to ensure our website stays in line with best practices. 

Nasso Family Science Centre 1st Floor

Please be advised that on Wednesday, August 9 at 5:00 pm the Nasso Family Science Centre 1st floor, access will be restricted to allow Custodial Services to refinish the corridor flooring. Regular access will resume Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Signage will be posted at access points.

Questions or concerns can be forwarded to Pierre Venedam @ or by calling custodial services at x 5552

Facilities Management regrets any inconvenience this may cause.